- There is no continuity of subject in a dictionary. 词典的主题是没有连续性的。
- Accelerate the Independent Innovation of Shanghai. 加快推进上海自主创新的步伐。
- Innovation of supervising system etc. 创新监督体制。
- Timesharing is an innovation of hotel"s operation. 时权经营是一种新的饭店经营方式。
- Complete freedom of subject matter. 完全自由的主题事项。
- His reading covers a wide range of subjects. 他阅读的书籍涉及多种学科。
- On the Innovation of Subject Librarian Program in the Academic Libraries -- The Nankai University Library Experience 高校图书馆学科馆员工作创新--兼谈南开大学图书馆开展学科馆员工作的经验
- Covering a wide field of subjects; rambling. 主题不明的,东拉西扯的包含很大范围的主题; 杂乱无章的
- The innovation of air travel has made the world seem smaller. 空中飞行似乎使世界变小了。
- There is no continuity of subject in the dictionary. 词典的主题是没有连续性的。
- This is the innovation of banking payment and clearing system. 这是银行支付结算系统的创新。
- Probe into theory and innovation of civil action II. 民事诉讼理论与改革的探索2。
- The speaker discoursed knowledgeably on a variety of subjects. 演讲者头头是道地论述了一系列问题。
- His abrupt change of subject left her floundering helplessly. 他突然改变话题,使她茫然不知所措。
- Talk on Technical Innovation of Harbin Boiler Works Co., Ltd. 谈哈锅的技术创新。
- There is no constraint on your choice of subject for the essay. 文章内容不拘,你可任选题目。
- Li: What kind of subjects do you usually teach? 李:那你通常教哪类课程呢?。
- The innovation of air travel during this century has made the world seem smaller. 本世纪空中旅行的革新使世界似乎变小了。
- The general arts course at the university encompasses a wide range of subjects. 大学文科包括的科目非常广泛。
- innovation of subject 课程改革