- The matter is only of passing scientific interest. 一时的爱好。
- That pluripotency, as it is called, makes them of great scientific interest. 就是这种被称作“细胞多能性”的现象得到了科学界的广泛关注。
- Those in Western zoos are treated as royalty and are the object of intense scientific interest and care. 西方国家动物园内饲养的熊猫被视作皇族看待,也引起科学界强烈的兴趣及关爱。
- As the only member of its genus and being endemic to China, the species is of important scientific interest. 棱果花属仅此一种,特产中国,具有科学研究价值。
- The fact that man would soon be able to visit the moon built up new scientific interest in earth's nearest neighbor. 人类不久可以游览月球的事实,引起了对地球最近邻居的新的科学兴趣。
- The Tai Ho Stream was also zoned as a Site of Special Scientific Interest in 1999. 大蚝河于1999年成为具特殊科学价值地点。
- Lai Chi Wo Beach was designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest in 1979. 荔枝窝沙滩于1979年订定为具特殊科学价值地点。
- The articles, on drought, breast feeding and acoustics, are of general scientific interest. 这三篇文章属科普类文章,分别有关于干旱,母乳喂养,和声学。
- Its rich natural flora, and threatened mammal species such as the pygmy hippopotamus and 11 species of monkeys, are of great scientific interest. 它有丰富的自然植物和濒于灭亡的哺乳动物种类,例如矮种河马和十一种猴子,都具有很高的科学研究价值。
- Area of scientific interest: minimisation of the impacts of human activities on the environment. 感兴趣的科学领域:最大限度地减少人类活动对环境的影响。
- Earthworks and dredging works wholly in an existing marine park and a site of special scientific interest. 土木工事及挖泥工程,而此等项目全部位于现有的海岸公园和具有特别科学价值的地点。
- The synthesis of sphingosine and related long chain base have aroused much scientific interest in recent years. 鞘氨醇等的合成在有机合成界形成了一个经久不衰的热潮,应用各种新技术的合成方法不断出现。
- His other scientific interests concern cosmology and high-energy astrophysics. 他的科学兴趣还包括宇宙论与高能天文学。
- This scientific interest has a relationship to the moral attitude,but in itself it is a pure desire to know and to explore. 这种科学的兴趣与道德的态度有关,可是这种兴趣的本身纯粹是一种想知道和想探索的欲望。
- The fact that man would soon be able to visit the moon built up new scientific interest in the earth's nearest neighbor. 人类不久可以游览月球的事实,引起了人们对地球近邻的新的科学兴趣。
- This scientific interest has a relationship to the moral attitude, but in itself it is a pure desire to know and to explore. 这种科学的兴趣与道德的态度有关,可是这种兴趣的本身纯粹是一种想知道和想探索的欲望。
- The latest finding is further evidence that the moon is not the dry, barren place it appears and could reinvigorate scientific interest. 最新的发现进一步证明,月球不是它看起来那样的干枯贫瘠,并可能重振人们的科学兴趣。
- I was allowed once into his inner sanctum. 我有一次获准进入他的内室。
- Education cheeper is mixed to scientific interest exploration spirit, answer to begin from the following respects in scientific education. 培养幼儿对科学的爱好和探索精神,在科学教育中应从以下几方面着手。
- Her artificial gaiety disguised an inner sadness. 她以矫揉造作的快乐掩饰著内心的悲痛。