- She is rich in the inner feelings. 她内心的感情丰富。
- He ducked no questions, hid no details of his life or his inner feelings. 他不回避任何问题,不隐瞒任何生活细节或内心的感然。
- Hester shows her inner feelings of ambivalent attitude to the Puritan beliefs. 海丝特表明了她内心世界对清教教义的矛盾态度。
- All of his numbered works are portraiture of his inner feelings in the turbulent era. 其传世作品不多,但篇篇俱是风云激荡时代作者心态的真实记录。
- His psychology did not recognize inner feelings and thoughts as legitimate objects of scientific study, he was only interested in overt behavior. 他的心理学并不承认内在的感觉及想法作为科学研究的合理项目,他只对明显的行为感兴趣。
- This poem expresses my inner feelings for Master as She guides me on to constant spiritual progress and sublimity. 以下这首诗表达了我在恩师的引领下,不断进步与升华的内在感受。
- This poem represents my inner feelings of what a teenager goes through in today times. 这首诗表现了像我这样的青少年对现实情感的内心世界。
- This poem, written on a Ching Hai Day card dedicated to Master, conveys the inner feelings of all fellow disciples. 这是送给师父清海日贺卡上的一首诗,它传达了每个弟子的共同心声。
- Impressionist techniques are the important ways for the author to make his inner feelings out. 印象主义手法是作家内心情感外化的重要手段。
- Use of these fingering, into the public light voices handled delicate rich, fully express their inner feelings. 运用这些指法,成公亮把声音处理得细腻丰富,充分表达内心的情感。
- Non-compromising in maintaining the purity of my inner feelings and spiritual richness. 始终保持内心的纯净和精神的富有;
- Log emotion, in fact, that people express their inner feelings of the articles, mood log. 情感日志;其实就是人们抒发自己内心的情感文章;心情日志.
- Story about friendship, using the ADHD medicine Ritalin as a party drug, and living a blunt life unable to handle your inner feelings. 这是一对好友在数个夜里所一同经历的事情,一个关于友谊和药品的迷惘故事。
- Parents should not finished because of over-indulgence and test the children, and children have to communicate their inner feelings. 家长不要因为考完试而过分放纵孩子,要多和孩子沟通,了解他们的内心感受。
- They think that inner feeling should not be vented before the masses. 西方人习惯上认为,内心的情绪不可在大众面前宣洩。
- Has a retractable feel comfortable with their true inner feelings, in reality, can no longer call at both years, the marching orders I was able to. 曾经觉得自己收放自如的情愫,现实中再也不能招之既来,挥之既去。
- The generosity and exaltation wasn't only an outpouring of CaoCao's inner feelings but also an expression to his complicated character. 慷慨激越是曹操内心情感的外在流露,也展现了其繁复的性格特征。
- Ever since then,she fell in love with drama and tried to express her inner feelings by way of drama performance as well as being involved with script translation. 从此,她喜爱上戏剧并尝试把自己内心的感受通过表演和翻译戏剧的方式表达出来。
- The Biography of Du Mu By Miao Yue As a masterwork of Mr. Miao Yue and a classical biography, the book exhibits vividly the legendary life and rich inner feelings. 著名学者缪钺先生的力作,被学术界视为经典性的传记作品。全书生动的展现了唐代诗人杜牧的传奇人生,揭示出他丰富的内心世界。
- Ever since then, she fell in love with drama and tried to express her inner feelings by way of drama performance as well as being involved with script translation. 从此,她喜爱上戏剧并尝试把自己内心的感受通过表演和翻译戏剧的方式表达出来。