- R. G. W. Pye, “Injection mould design”, Senior Editor, (1980). 张荣语,“射出成型模具设计”,高立图书有限公司,(1995)。
- Aimed at inject mould design,the parameterization design process and its realizing method using C program is researched in detailed. 针对注射塑料模具设计,详细研究了注射塑料模具参数化设计过程及其C语言程序实现方法。
- This paper emphatically introduces injection mould design of flagpole coor and CAD/CAM process of its mould parts. 本文着重介绍插旗杆座的注塑模设计及模具零件的CAD/CAM过程。
- Injection mould design still remains more an art than a science. In this thesis, technologies of case-based reasoning(CBR) computer aided injection mould design are studied. 本文针对注射模设计“强经验弱理论”的设计特点,对基于实例推理(case-based reasoning, CBR)的注射模设计辅助技术进行了研究。
- Over detail analysis of mould structure working process and disassemble dies process an injection mould design method of solving this kind of plastic parts is introduced. 通过对模具结构、模具工作过程、卸模过程的详细分析,介绍了一种解决此类塑料件注射模的设计方法。
- The K-NN case retrieval strategy has been applied in injection mould design system which indicated that the strategy could dramatically improved overall case retrieval efficiency and quality in case-based reasoning system. 应用实例表明,该方法能够有效提高基于事例的推理系统整体的检索效率与质量。
- Nowadays, popularizing and applying CAD/CAM technology is an advanced subject. This paper emphatically introduces injection mould design of flagpole coor and CAD/CAM process of its mould parts. 推广应用CAD/CAM技术是当今先进的研究课题。本文着重介绍插旗杆座的注塑模设计及模具零件的CAD/CAM过程。
- Injection Mould Design of Pressure Head 押头注塑模设计
- Injection mould design for mobile telephone shell 手机外壳的注射模具设计
- Keywords Injection mould design;KBE;CBR;RBR;AHP; 注塑模设计;知识工程;实例推理;规则推理;层次分析法;
- Injection Mould Design of Three Times Parting of Box-shaped Part 盒形塑件三分型面注射模设计
- Building of the Knowledge Base System for Injection Mould Design 注射模知识库系统的构建
- The Injection Mould Design of the Car's Rearview Mirror Cover 轿车后视镜外罩注塑模设计
- Injection Mould Design of Protection Guide Bush of Shoot Nail 射钉保护导向套注射模设计
- Keywords injection mould;KBE;NN;system development;mould design; 注塑模;KBE;神经网络;系统开发;模具设计;
- Automatic recognition of undercut features in injection mould design 注塑模设计中侧凹特征的自动识别
- Participate in the confirmation of mould design. 参与模具结构设计的确认。
- Establishment of Case Database for Injection Mould Design Based on CBR 基于CBR的注塑模设计事例库的建立
- Experienced in Plastic Injection Mould Making. 有塑料注射模型工作经验。