- injection mo(u)lded part 喷射成形零件
- horizontal plastic injection mo(u)lding machine 卧式塑料注射成型机
- plastic injection mo(u)lding machine 塑料注射模型孔
- injection mo(u)lded plasitcs 喷射成形塑料
- injection mo (u)lding 喷射铸造法
- injection mo(u)lder 注射模型成形机
- It's all over now so think mo more of it. 现在一切都过去了,因此别再去想它了。
- injection mo(u)lding 注塑成型,注塑铸造法,注射塑制,压射成型
- injection mo(u)lding machine 喷射模铸机
- Half a mo (ie Wait a little), I'm not quite ready. 等一下,我还没完全准备好。
- Did you have gas or an injection? 你是用的麻醉气还是打的麻醉针?
- Edwyn: wat do u think about it? Do u no Tibet is a part of Chn? 我说:你对此怎么看?你知道它是中国一部分么?
- I had a bad reaction after my typhoid injection. 我注射了伤寒针剂后产生了不良反应。
- The morphine was administered by injection. 那吗啡是注射进去的。
- The expedition suffered all the rigo(u)rs of a Canadian winter. 这支探险队饱受了加拿大严冬的折磨。
- Can u imagine that u sometimes feel ticklish on your waist part? 而且我一翻身,他准跟着翻。你能想象你有时觉得腰部怕痒?
- Moşu 莫舒
- steel mo u lder rs paint 铸钢涂料
- We hope to inject new life into our business. 我们希望使我们的业务工作充满朝气。
- Mo goes to check with the Lost Baggage Office. 莫前去丢失行李登记处联系。