- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- We could see fish in the clear water. 我们看到清澈的水中有鱼。
- injected clear water 注入清水
- Clear water gushed into the irrigational channel. 清澈的水涌进了灌溉渠道。
- The ducks mudded the clear water in the pond. 鸭子把池塘里清澈的水给搅浑了。
- Don't forget to rinse the clothes with clear water. 别忘了用清水把衣物漂净。
- Clear water was spouting from a hole in the pipe. 清水正从水管的一个孔里喷射出来。
- He who wants clear water shall go to the source. 欲觅清水找源头。
- Clear water gushed from the spring . 清水从泉水中涌出。
- Clear water gushed from the spring. 清水从泉水中涌出。
- Clear water spouted from the fountains. 清澈的水从喷泉中喷射出来。
- Lively trout swim in the clear water. 活泼的鳟鱼游弋其中。
- Clear water bubbled up from among the rocks. 清澈的水自岩石间潺潺地涌出。
- They lived happily in the clear water. 鱼儿们在清澈的水里快乐地生活着。
- A spring or stream of pure, clear water. 水质纯净且清澈的泉或溪
- Sprinkles the few clear water moist ground. 洒少量清水润湿地面。
- Her spirits sparkled like clear water. 她的眼神若澄澈的水一样透明;光亮.
- Her eyes were grey like stones through clear water. 她眼睛呈灰色,就像清水里的石头。
- He loved to rove the green hills and clear waters. 他喜欢漫游于山青水秀之乡。
- The trees on the shore line were reflected in the clear water. 沿岸的树木在清清的河水里倒映出来。