- He was momentarily rendered speechless with joy. 他因欣喜若狂而一时说不出话来。
- Our train was momentarily delayed. 我们的火车临时耽搁了。
- She said they would arrive momentarily. 她说他们随时会到。
- The dark room was momentarily lit up by a vivid flash of lightning. 那黑洞洞的房间顿时被强烈的闪电照亮了。
- He was momentarily unable to speak with excitement. 他激动得一时说不出话来了。
- Her beauty left me momentarily speechless. 她的美使我一时哑然失踪。
- We hope to inject new life into our business. 我们希望使我们的业务工作充满朝气。
- Matches flared, momentarily highlighting the faces. 火柴燃着了, 发出的光芒把众人的面孔照亮了片刻。
- He was momentarily unable to speak with anger. 他气得一时说不出话来了。
- His mind blanked out momentarily. 他一时走神了。
- Take-off to eye-level, hold momentarily. 将直升机垂直起飞至与眼睛同高,静止停悬几秒钟。
- The doctor will see you momentarily. 医生马上就来看你.
- The news was expected momentarily. 那消息随时会到。
- He was momentarily unable to speak. 他一时说不出话来了。
- I was momentarily incapable of speech. 我一时说不出话来。
- Momentarily he caught O'Brien's eye. 他的目光骤然跟奥勃良遇在了一起。
- He was momentarily dazzled by the strong sunlight. 强烈的阳光使他一时睁不开眼。
- The goods you ordered are momentarily out of stock. 贵方所订购的货物暂时缺货。
- Luke looked momentarily distracted. 卢克似乎一时心不在焉。
- Matches flared,momentarily highlighting the faces. 火柴着了,发出的光芒把众人的脸照亮了片刻。