- Initial stage of cancer of the film inside the uterus had done an uterus to excise an operation (excise operation) entirely, can you still have the possibility of canceration? 子宫内膜癌初期已经做了子宫摘除手术(全部摘除手术),还会有癌变的可能性吗吗?
- He is in the terminal stage of cancer. 他正处于癌症晚期。
- At present, China is still on the initial stage of socialism. 现在, 中国仍然处在社会主义的初级阶段。
- Some patients in the terminal stage of cancer recover miraculously. 有些处于癌症晚期的病人奇迹般地康复了。
- The initial stages of winemaking. 初期阶断制酒的初步阶段
- initial stage of cancer 癌症初期
- At the initial stage of the promotion,advertising is very important. 在促销的初步阶段,广告至关重要。
- At the initial stage of the promotion, advertising is very important. 戴:在促销的初步阶段,广告至关重要。
- Because of the initial stage of love is so blind and narcissistic self-pity. 因为母爱的初级阶段,就是如此盲目和自怜自恋的。
- This is the initial stage of the long historical process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. 社会主义初级阶段,是整个建设有中国特色社会主义的很长历史过程中的初始阶段。
- In the initial stage of the rural reform, there emerged in Anhui Province the issue of the "Fool's Sunflower Seeds". 农村改革初期,安徽出了个“傻子瓜子”问题。
- Nowadays many people die of cancer. 现在有很多人死于癌症。
- In the initial stage of the rural reform,there emerged in Anhui Province the issue of the Fool's Sunflower Seeds. 农村改革初期,安徽出了个“傻子瓜子”问题。
- In initial stage of decomposition, litter loss accorded with an exponential attenuation model. 分解初期,枯枝落叶的损失符合指数衰减模型。
- He is researching into the causes of cancer. 他正在研究癌症的起因。
- No previous theorist or practitioner of war has ever denied that this is the policy a weak army fighting a strong army must adopt in the initial stage of a war. 从前的军事理论家和实际家也无不承认这是弱军对强军作战时在战争开始阶段必须采取的方针。
- The time between the initial stage of a project or policy and the appearance of results. 一个工程或政策的初始阶段到结果出现阶段的时间间隔。
- His hometown is located in the north to the tropic of cancer. 他的家乡在北回归线的北面。
- Comment on the Initial Stage of Socialism as the Return of New Democratic Society? 社会主义初级阶段是对新民主主义社会的回归吗?
- The road to the conquest of cancer is long and full of pitfall. 战胜癌症的征途是漫长的,而且布满意想不到的困难。