- The name of the initiating service for the message. 启动消息的服务的名称。
- This Agreement is an initial service agreement which relates to a series of successive or separate operations including, without limitation, Transactions. 本协议是与一系列连续的或独立的操作(例如交易)有关的初始服务协议。
- In this case, there is no need for the target database to contain a user for the initiating service. 在这种情况下,目标数据库无需包含该起始服务的用户。
- To uninstall an initiating service, first stop the application from creating outgoing messages. 若要卸载起始服务,先使应用程序停止创建传出的消息。
- If target service is in the mirrored database, the initiator service must have a mirrored route back to the target. 如果目标服务位于镜像数据库中,则发起方服务必须具有返回目标的镜像路由。
- The initiating service specifies the contract for the conversation when the conversation begins. 当会话开始时,启动服务为会话指定约定。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- Therefore, an initiating service must begin a conversation with the target service before sending a message to the target service. 因此,发起方服务必须在发送消息到目标服务之前启动与目标服务的会话。
- Therefore, operations on behalf of the target service run in the initiating database as the user who owns the initiating service. 因此,代表目标服务的操作在起始数据库中以发起起始服务的用户身份运行。
- Full security requires that the initiating service trust the target service and also requires that the target service trust the initiating service. 完全安全模式要求起始服务信任目标服务,并且目标服务也信任起始服务。
- Socket function mainly realizes setting up and initializing service unit socket,initializing service unit and service unit serial and so on. socket()函数实现创建、初始化服务元套接字,初始化服务元及服务元序列等。
- In dialog security, only the database that hosts the initiating service and the database that hosts the target service need to have access to the certificates used for security. 在对话安全模式中,仅作为起始服务宿主的数据库和作为目标服务宿主的数据库才需要能够访问用于提供安全性的证书。
- Depending on the service, the developer may provide one set of scripts for the target service and a different set of scripts for the initiating service. 根据具体服务,开发人员可能会为目标服务提供一组脚本,为起始服务提供另一组脚本。
- His initial reaction was one of shock. 他最初的反应是震惊。
- In this paper, base on the predominance of a library on information and consultation service via initiative manner, we discuss how a library will develop its initiative service. 从高校图书馆信息情报服务工作的特征及开展主动情报服务的优势出发,探讨高校图书馆应如何开展主动情报服务。
- The initial `h' in `hour' is not aspirated. hour一字中起首的h不发送气音。
- SQL Server uses dialog security for any conversation to a service for which a remote service binding exists in the database that hosts the initiating service. 如果承载发起服务的数据库中存在某服务的远程服务绑定,那么,SQL Server对与该服务的任何会话均使用对话安全模式。
- The queue specified for the initiator service receives messages returned by the target service and messages created by Service Broker for this conversation. 为发起方服务指定的队列将接收由目标服务返回的消息,以及Service Broker为此会话创建的消息。
- If initiator service is in the mirrored database, the target service must have a mirrored route back to initiator to deliver acknowledgements and replies. 如果发起方服务位于镜像数据库中,则目标服务必须具有返回发起方的镜像路由,以传递确认和应答。