- initial outlay cost 初始投资成本
- Economy is one powerful motive for camping, since after the initial outlay upon equipment. 想省钱是露营的一个主要动机。因为在开初支付了装备的费用后。
- The sum of the receipts is greater than the initial outlay. 收益之和大于开始的投资。
- The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising. 这家公司很快偿付了初期的广告费。
- Economy is one powerful motive for camping, since after the initial outlay upon equipment, or through hiring it, the total expense can be far less than the cost of hotels. 图省钱是露营的一个主要动机,因为除了开始时购置或是租借一套露营装备外,总费用算起来要比住旅馆开支少得多。
- Economy is one powerful motive for campinge after the initial outlay upon the equipment. 在开初支付了装备的费用后,想省钱是露营的一个主要动机。
- Economy is one powerful motive for camping,since after the initial outlay upon equipment. 想省钱是露营的一个主要动机。因为在开初支付了装备的费用后。
- Rwanda's austere president, Paul Kagame, believes the initial outlay will be worth it. 卢安达生性简朴的总统PaulKagame相信第一批的花费将是值得的。
- He also earned a good deal of money-after an initial outlay of only $606,000 Bush walked away with nearly $15 million when the team was sold in 1998. 他还从中赚到一大笔钱?布什最初的投入不过606000美元,到1998年球队被出售时他却卷走了1500万元的回报。
- The initial outlay required by a broker of a client to open a futures position, returnable upon liquidation of that position. 指经纪公司收取的客户建立期货头寸的初始资金,在该部位平仓后返还。
- So it's possible, once the initial outlay has been made, for the farmer to be looking at very good profit margins indeed. 所以有可能开始费用花掉,农民确实期待很好的利润。
- Both projects have the same life, require the same initial outlay, have positive NPVs and have IRRs greater than the required rate of return. 两个项目具有相同的寿命周期,需要相同的原始投资,都有正的净现值,内含报酬率都超过了要求的投资收益率。
- Deposit is the initial outlay required by a broker of a client to open a futures position, returnable upon liquidation of that position. 保证金指经纪公司收取的客户建立期货头寸的初始资金,在该部位平仓后返还。
- The initial outlay required by a broker of a client to open a futures position, returnable upon liquidation of that position. 指经纪公司收取的客户建立期货头寸的初始资金,在该部位平仓后返还。
- It will bring each of them one-off costs in the tens of millions, but the savings over time will dwarf the initial outlay. 这可能会使他们一次性花费数千万美元,但是这对时间的节省使得最初的投入不值一提。
- ASX's Options Market allows investors to build a diversified portfolio for the same or even lower initial outlay than purchasing shares directly. 一个简单的策略是,运用卖出期货选择权使投资者拥有股份去回避有可能的损失。这个和用保险去抵抗股份价格下跌。
- Even if they succeed in buying Chinese companies, private equity groups could find it hard to achieve the return on their initial outlay their investors expect. 就算私人股本集团收购中国企业成功了,也可能会发现他们的初期支出很难取得投资者期望的回报。
- The net spend does not reflect the full transfer fees agreed with other clubs in transfer deals, it merely shows the initial outlay and downpayments made to secure the transfers. 转会费并没有完全放映球员转会到俱乐部资金上,这些转会仅仅是支付了首期的转会费用。
- The net present value(NPV)of an investment proposal is equal to the present value of its annual net cash flows after taxes less the investment's initial outlay. 一项投资的净现值等于预值未来每年税后净现金流的现值减去项目初始投资支出。
- since after the initial outlay upon equipment, 因为除了开始时购置