- initial cracking behavior 初始开裂
- The paper analyses the nonlinear cracking behavior of reinforced concrete box girder. 对钢筋混凝土箱梁受力开裂破坏的非线性机理进行了研究。
- Intergranular stress corrosion cracking behavior of austenitic steels on hydrogenated high-temperature. 奥氏体钢在高温氢化物中的晶间应力腐蚀开裂性能。
- Hence lack of fusion and slag would exist at the weld root and create a large initial crack condition. 因而未熔透及夹渣存在于焊缝棍部,并造成大的初始裂纹条件。
- The environmental effects exerted more detrimental influence on the HCF behavior than on the stage II cracking behavior for the given alloys. 对裂缝成长而言,提高溶液温度会增加裂缝之表面活化能以及腐蚀速率,并促使氢脆之发生,因此会明显提升长裂缝之成长速率。
- This article discusses the influence of microstructure and cracking behavior in laser cladding with different repetition width and different layers. 研究不同搭接宽度和层数对激光熔覆的显微组织及开裂性的影响。
- The cracking behavior and propylene formation during deep catalytic cracking of heavy oil was investigated by using a fixed-bed microreactor in laboratory. 摘要 在实验室微型固定床装置上,考察了重油催化裂解过程中的裂解反应规律;
- The process and rules of the initial cracking due to thermal fatigue are studied considering the multi-linear kinematic hardening of material,with a simple sample as model analyzed by FEM. 用有限元方法并考虑材料的多线性随动强化性质对带有裂纹的简单试件模型进行热疲劳分析,研究热疲劳裂纹张开的过程和规律。
- The influence of the fabric construction on the fabric crack behavior is analysed based on the fabric slippage test to some fabrics made of polyester filament yarn. 以缝口脱开程度为测试指标,对涤纶长丝织物的抗纰裂性能进行了测试,分析了织物结构各因素对抗纰裂性能的影响,对该类织物的设计和生产具有一定的参考意义。
- Firstly the initial crack length is calculated according to the stress wave theory: then, the ultimate cracking length caused by blasting is got by the brittle fracture theory of rock. 然后按照岩石的脆断理论计算爆生裂缝的最终扩展长度,对预裂爆破中爆炸作用过程和裂缝的扩展机理进行分析。
- The distribution of residual stress, residual stress indensity factor(SIF) and its effect on corrosion cracking behavior of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu (LC4) alloy in double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen under various aging temperature have been investigated. 研究了时效制度对Al-Zn-Mg-Cu合金(LC4)双悬臂梁(DCB)试样的残余应力分布及其对应力强度因子、腐蚀开裂行为的影响。
- Based on the test results, the ultimate load-carrying capacity, mode of failure, cracking behavior and load versus mid-pan lateral deflection curves of the strengthened specimens are summarized and analyzed. 在试验的基础上,对加固构件的极限承载力、破坏形态、裂缝分布以及荷载-跨中桡度曲线等进行了总结和分析。
- The results indicate that because of different diamidogen PI solid structure, there is an effect on cyclic speed and cracking behavior as well as on molecular thermal movement behavior. 由上述之结果显示PI因不同二胺之立体结构会造成环化速率、裂解行为及分子热运动性行为、等物性之影响。
- Zuo, J.Z., Sih, G.C., 2000.Energy density theory formulation and interpretation of cracking behavior for piezoelectric ceramics.Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 34, 17-33. 刘晋奇;2005.;含界面裂纹之双磁电弹楔形结构反平面破坏分析
- Initiative cracking of n-heptane,a model compound of heavy hydrocarbons,was investigated in a fixed bed microreactor. 以正庚烷为高碳烃的模型化合物,在微反装置上对正庚烷的引发裂解进行了研究。
- To reduce the olefin content of FCC gasoline, a circulating downer reactor was built to study the cracking behavior of straight - run FCC gasoline using commercial FCC and DCC equivalent catalyst. 以循环下行床为反应器,催化裂化汽油为原料,在工业催化裂化(FCC)催化剂和催化裂解(DCC)催化剂作用下,研究了催化裂化汽油的催化转化过程。
- And with reinforced concrete finite element a simulation calculation method is founded for randomness of initial cracks within the equal stress zone of concrete members. 结合钢筋混凝土有限元,建立了混凝土构件等应力区初始裂缝随机性的仿真计算方法,对钢筋混凝土梁纯弯段的裂缝规律进行了仿真计算。
- K Gong,L Deng,FS Liu,H B Xu.Investigations on the formation of initial cracks in thermal barrier coatings prepared by EB-PVD[J].Acta Metall Sinica,1996,(9)6:519. 张东博;郭洪波;宫声凯;徐惠彬.;EB-PVD热障涂层对高温合金基体断裂特征影响的研究[J]
- The influences of low temperature ozone oxidation and initiation cracking process on the yield of fraction oil were investingated with Beijiang oil as feedstock. 以北疆原油为原料,考察了重油低温臭氧氧化及引发裂化工艺对馏分油收率的影响。
- A boiler tube cracked after only one month service. This kind of ephemeral cracking behavior was studied in this paper using optical microscope. 摘要锅炉管在使用一月后,发生爆裂,使用金相显微镜对这种短期的爆裂行为进行了研究。