- Keep me informed of fresh developments. 随时告诉我新的发展。
- I wasn't informed of the decision until too late. 等到我得知这项决定时,已经太迟了。
- You will be informed of the details at the appropriate time. 在适当的时候将把详情告诉你。
- Has she been informed of her mother's death yet? 有人把她母亲去世的消息告诉她了吗?
- She demands to be informed of everything. 她要求所有情况都得向她通报。
- He will keep the RO informed of any incidents. 他应当将发生的事件及时通知总裁判长。
- The bookworm in uniform is informed of the storm. 穿制服的书呆子得到暴风雨的消息。
- We shall keep them informed of this matter. 我们应该让他们知道这件事。
- All those who are immediately involved will be informed of the decision. 这个决定将被通知给所有直接有关的人。
- I'll keep you informed of the progress made. 我将经常向你反映进度。
- Keep me informed of any developments. 随时通知我进展情况。
- Have they been informed of your arrival? 有人告诉他们你到了吗?
- We shall keep you informed of the outcome. 检讨小组稍后会通知成员有关结果。
- How will the defendant be informed of the lawsuit? 被告是如何被告知有关诉讼的?
- Keep team members informed of new developments. 让同组人员知道最新发展。
- Please keep me informed of fresh developments. 请随时告知我最新的进展情况。
- Please keep us informed of the latest development. 请随时通知我们最新的发展。
- We keep them informed of any changes as they arise. 如有任何变化,我们随时通知他们。
- The pamphlet contains information of political opinion. 这本小册子含有关于政治主张的资料。
- Keep me informed of the status please. 请随时告知进展情况。