- information wide gap 信息鸿沟
- There was a wide gap between the views of the two. 他们俩的观点有很大的分歧。
- There is a wide gap between the views of the two statesmen. 关于这点, 两位政治家的政见有很大分歧。
- Therefore, it is of great significance to tackle the excessively wide gap. 因此,解决收入差距过分扩大问题意义重大。
- There are wide gaps in my knowledge of history. 我的历史知识很缺乏。
- She understood such niceties and realized the wide gap between the duties of a field hand and those of a house nigger. 她为人精细,懂得干大田活和干家务活的黑人之间的巨大区别呢。
- If a farmer wishes to succeed, he must try to keep a wide gap between his consumption and his production. 如果一个农民想要成功的话,他必须在消费和生产之间保持一个大的差额。
- There was a wide gap between the views of the two statesmen on the bilateral cooperation. 对双方合作的问题,两位政治家各自所持的看法差距甚大。
- However, GPA parties found there was a wide gap between China's offer and the procurement covered by other GPA parties. 然而,GPA成员认为中国的出价与其他GPA成员的采购所涵盖的范围差距很大。
- All these indicate the wide gap between domestic marine insurance assessment industry and that of the Westerns. 这一切都显示出与西方发达国家海上保险公估业之间的巨大差距。
- The contrast of strength wide gap, elephant is like between Rangalibaba and net Cheng Zhi at ant. 力量悬殊的对比,让阿里巴巴与网盛之间有如大象之于蚂蚁。
- Mr Koizumi, after his meeting with the Russian leader, told reporters a wide gap remains between the two countries on the matter. 小泉先生在会晤俄罗斯领导人之后告诉记者在此问题上两国间依然存在着很深的鸿沟。
- There was a wide gap between their chess skills, and not long after the game started, one side was completely wiped out by the other. 他俩棋力悬殊,开局不多时,一方就被另一方杀了个片甲不留。
- States shall facilitate and encourage public awareness and participation by making information widely available. 各国应广泛地提供信息,从而促进和鼓励公众的了解和参与。
- And EHR networks will make it easy to disclose the information widely with the click of a mouse. 此外,未来10年遗传检验的数量、实用性和接受检验的人数将大幅成长,而在电子健康记录网络下,只需按一下滑鼠就可散布资料。
- When used on modern boots and sneakers with a wide gap and many eyelets, the result resembles a diagonal series of hash "#" symbols. 使用时;对现代鞋子和运动鞋;有一个鸿沟;很多眼;结果像一个对角线系列哈希"%23"符号.
- They may have the ability to replicate information widely in order to increase availability and reliability, while reducing response time. 它们可以具有大范围复制信息的功能,以便提高可用性和可靠性,同时缩短响应时间。
- His current research will focus more on wide gap semiconductor MOCVD growth, inter disciplinary materials investigation and nano-scale device development. 现在的研究课题主要是著重在宽能隙半导体金属氧化物化学气相磊晶的成长,多学科材料研究及奈米器件研发。
- The proposal also called on the WIPO Secretariat to assist in the collection of data on piracy rates, with a view to making the information widely available. 提案也要求WIPO秘书协助收集关于盗版率方面的数据,并广泛传播这些信息。
- Although algae is individual the structure is numerous brief differ, magnitude wide gap, but the become divided that does not have true root, bine, leaf more. 尽管藻类植物个体的结构繁简不一;大小悬殊;但多无真正根.;茎