- The aim of accounting information quality is to guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, legality, integrality and timeliness of accounting data. 会计信息的质量目标,是保证会计资料的真实性、准确性、合法性、完整性和及时性。
- This situation often results in poor information quality and sometimes even loss of information. 这种情况通常会导致较差的信息质量,有时甚至会丢失信息。
- Based on the game theory,this paper deduces the mix Nash Balanced Model on accounting information quality. 本文借助博弈理论,推导出会计信息质量的混合纳什均衡模型。
- Product complexity is increasing and users, installers, developers, and maintainers demand high levels of information quality. 产品越来越复杂,为此,用户、安装人员、开发人员和维护人员需要高质量的信息。
- To deal with problems in information management of domestic enterprises,Information Quality Maturity Model(IQMM) was put forward. 根据国内企业信息管理的现状和问题,提出了信息质量成熟度模型。
- College students' information quality education should adopt the model which combines with subject education and integrates subject education. 大学生信息素质教育应主要采取和学科教育相结合,融入学科教育的模式。
- Bilingual teaching is the need to accelerate quality education and the necessity for information quality education in knowledge economy era. 双语教学是全面推进素质教育的要求,是知识经济时代信息素质教育的需要。
- The information of magnanimity makes people need certain information quality of skill of processing in catching, analysing, judging, utilizing. 海量的信息使人在捕捉、分析、判断、利用信息上,更需要一定的处理技能即信息素质。
- This reform measure improved enterprise's accounting information quality,carried out the " prudent principle " further at the same time. 该项改革措施提高了企业会计信息质量,同时进一步贯彻了“谨慎性”原则。
- This paper discusses the importance and necessity of information quality of medical undergraduate, the main contents and the main path. 论述了医学生信息素质培养的重要性和必要性,以及培养的主要内容和主要途径。
- Preventing accounting falsehood and improving accounting information quality have become an urgent problem in the current accounting field. 如何防范会计失真,提高会计信息质量,已成为目前会计界亟待解决的问题。
- Chapter 4 synoptically expatiates on the theoretical foundation of improving the accounting information quality in softwareenterprises. 第四部分概括性地阐述了提高软件企业会汁十信息质量的理论基础。
- Check the quantity and package carefully when receive any delivery from supplier, inform quality department to do incoming inspection in time. 仔细核对供应商送货数量,检查外包装,及时通知质量进行检验;
- This paper introduces the standards of information quality education of American universities,and the situation of research projects in California State University. 该文首先介绍了美国高校信息素质教育标准的内容及其评价指标 ,并通过具体实例 ,介绍了美国加利福尼亚州立大学等高校信息素质教育研究项目的实施状况。
- The thesis expatiates on the concept and the content of information quality education, and probes into the avenue for college libraries to implement it and self - construct. 文章阐述了信息素质的概念,信息素质教育的内容,探讨了高校图书馆的自身建设以及信息素质教育的实施途径。
- They should be educated and improved through the establishment of the concept of information quality education, training for working ability and the idea of lifelong learning. 应通过信息素质教育观念的确立、岗位技能的培训以及树立终身学习的理念来培养和提高馆员的信息能力。
- Using the methods of Information Quality and Logistic Analysis, the authors selected some geological variables closely related to mineralization on the basis of the metallogenetic model. 文章根据实例分析,研究了矿产资源预测及质量评价的某些方法。
- Western scholars have explored methods to quantify accounting information quality, and made many empirical studies on its determinants and the economic consequences on capital assets pricing or cost of capital. 西方学者探索了一些会计信息质量的量化衡量方法,并在此基础上对会计信息质量的决定因素、计信息质量影响资本资产回报或资本成本以及其它经济后果等内容进行了实证研究。
- With coming of informational times, it is an important content to develop students' informational quality in higher vocational education. 摘要随着信息时代的到来,培养学生的信息素质,已成为高职院校教育的一项重要内容。
- To counter the phenomenon of differences in librarian's quality in adult higher education institution, this paper brings forward requirements of information quality and discusses its specific contents and main measures. 本文针对成人高校图书馆馆员素质参差不齐的现象,提出了信息素质教育的要求,论述了成人高校图书馆员信息素质教育的具体内容和主要措施。