- Legacy files can be imported into CML without information loss. 其他的分子格式文件可以转换成为CML文档而没有信息的丢失。
- Run the converter tool to identify potential sources of information loss. 运行转换器工具以识别可能造成信息丢失的潜在因素。
- The six solid arrows in Figure 3-1 denote conversions without information loss. 图3-1中的六个实箭头表示无信息丢失的转换。
- To help prevent information loss, Windows will notify you when your computer is low on memory. 为了防止信息丢失,Windows将在计算机内存不足时通知您。
- Running fewer programs at one time can prevent low memory problems and information loss. 一次运行较少的程序可以防止出现内存不足的问题并且防止信息丢失。
- WebSphere MQ reduces the risk of information loss and the need to reconcile communicating IT systems. WebSphere MQ降低了信息丢失的风险和调和通信IT系统的需要。
- In database security, an information loss effect arising from the use of perturbation techniques in inference control. 数据库安全学中,由于在引用控制中使用扰动技术而带来的信息丢失。
- In many cases even the small changes resulting out of lossy compression systems yield to total information loss. 在许多情况下,即使由于有损压缩的很小变化也能使整个隐藏信息丢失。
- Hawking could not reconcile the conflict, and a few years ago he recanted his position on information loss. 霍金无能为力,几年后也放弃了自己对信息消失这一理念的坚持。
- Disinfector saves you from information loss or phone breakdown once and forever. 消毒器具从数据损失或电话解救你崩溃一次和永远地。
- This new binary method can reduce the information loss and calculate Lempel-Ziv complexity at multi-scale but do not increase the number of symbol. 这种方法在不增加符号数目的情况下减小信息损失并且可以计算不同尺度下的复杂性。 以下工作证明了此方法的有效性:
- The traditional LPT(Log-Polar Transformation) method has smooth function to the image, which makes some detailed information loss. 传统对数极坐标变换算法对图像具有平滑作用,易造成图像细节信息丢失。
- It explores a new method of fuzzification and defuzzification that subdues the information loss in the classification of accurate values. 控制器采用了一种新的模糊化和去模糊方法,它克服了通常的模糊化方法中由于把精确量分等级而带来的信息损失。
- Anoxia and rapid burial do not prevent information loss through decay,but they do promote the preservation of non-mineralized tissues. 缺氧和快速埋葬有利于非矿化组织的保存,但不能阻止微生物的破坏作用。
- It holds that although there's some information loss in the translation of English paraphrase, not all of them should be completed. 认为英汉双解词典释义译文中确实存在原文信息缺失现象,但并非都须补偿。
- In order to propose a more general method for power system state estimation, the minimum information loss (MIL) based state estimation method is proposed and generalized. 为了提出更通用的状态估计方法,该文建立了遥信的广义信道模型,给出了遥信的信息损失计算式,发展了最小信息损失状态估计理论。
- Further, based upon the desirable properties of closed itemset lattices, a partition-based algorithm is developed, which proves to be highly efficient without information loss. 提出了一个基于划分的高效算法,在信息无损的前提下提高算法的效率。
- Aimed at over big bound and overmuch information loss of endmember selection,traditional unmixing techniques were improved from the aspects of endmember selection. 针对传统线性光谱分解中端元选择范围大、信息损失多的问题,对端元选择做了改进。
- In database security, an information loss effect arising from the use of perturbation techniques in inference control.It is defined as the difference between the expectation of the perturbed statistic and its true value. 数据库安全学中,由于在引用控制中使用扰动技术而带来的信息丢失。它定义为受扰动统计量的期望值与实际值之差。
- He is raking through old records for information. 他在过去的记录中找寻资料。