- Results Information integrity of information equipment,standby equipment in a good performance rate of 100 percent,increase satisfaction with the use of equipment. 结果仪器资料信息完整,处于备用状态的仪器性能完好率达100%25,仪器使用满意度提高。
- More, XML-based isomerous information integration scheme is put forward. 在此基础上,提出了基于XML的异构信息集成方案。
- The upgrade is the most real-time information integration and information. 而提升最多的是资讯的即时性与资讯的整合。
- Information integration and commute is the base informationlize of enterprise. 信息的交换与集成是企业信息化的基础,企业各种应用信息系统在没有集成前只能是各种自动化和信息化的“孤岛”,不能共享各个系统的数据信息,不能对企业的整体业务流程进行统一的管理,“信息孤岛”的要害就是割断了本来就是密切相连的业务流程。
- Based on the actuality of enterprise information system, the importance of enterprise information integrity was explained,DW method to realize information integrity was presented, and the process of the realization was given. 从某制造型企业信息系统现状出发,说明企业信息集成的重要性,提出了采用数据仓库的方法,在企业原 有异构信息系统的基础上进行信息集成,并结合该企业实际情况,说明了这个方法的实现过程。
- Research on Information Integration Model Based on Fitting Supply Chain System at Bayi Iron and Steel Co. 八钢配件供应链的信息集成模型研究。
- IBM Software Group.DB2 Information Integrator XML Wrapper Performance.October 31,2003. 娄雅斌.;基于"本体"的异构数据源的集成方法研究
- In addition, the technologies and methods of implementing information integration between PDM and CEIF based on CORBA. 最后研究了基于CORBA规范实现PDM与CEIF信息集成的技术。
- EDIS is one of the important portions of SIMS ,and EDBS is a mainstay of CIMS information integrated system. 工程设计集成系统是CIMS的重要组成部分 ,而工程设计数据管理系统是CIMS信息集成的重要支撑。
- As the relatively new boy in town, enterprise information integration (EII) has attracted some attention. 作为业界比较新的一项技术,企业信息集成(EII)吸引了一些人的注意力:它功能强大、颇具诱惑力。
- Those theories and technologies are stabile foundation for information integration. 这些基础理论和技术为信息集成打下了坚实的基础。
- Setting up sharable, independent neutral information model is the precondition of information integration. 建立可共享的、不依赖于任何平台和语言环境的中性信息模型是实现信息集成的前提。
- The information integration system in CAPE uses three layers structure of C/A/S. CAPE环境的信息集成系统采用C/A/S三层体系结构,即客户层/应用平台层/服务器层。
- In the process of information integration, ontology solved the semantic heterogeneity problem of distributed, heterogeneous and autonomous data source. 在信息集成的过程中,本体作为一种工具解决了分布式异构信息源的语义异构问题,实现了信息源语义上的互操作。
- Data Reconciliation Gross error detection and data rectification in information integration system of process industries. 数据校正工业生产过程的数据显著误差检测与数据校正。
- The goal of the ship lifecycle ASC management, function and information models, information flow and information integration and share are discussed in this paper. 本文阐述了舰船全寿期敏捷供应链管理的目标、功能和资讯模型及其工作流以及资讯集成和共用等。
- VMT is a new manufacturing methodology based on information integration in the fieldes of CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM and so on in an enterprise. 虚拟制造是企业以CAD/CAM/CAE/PDM等信息集成为基础的一种新的制造哲学。
- He is raking through old records for information. 他在过去的记录中找寻资料。
- Lastly information integration system based on WG-EAI constructure is introduced and performance of WG-EAI grid engine is tested and analysed. 本文最后简要介绍了应用WG-EAI体系的信息集成原型系统,并对WG-EAI引擎进行了性能测试和分析。
- Communication is one of the key technologies in the DNC system, and also the foundations of the equipment integration and information integration. 通信是DNC系统的关键技术之一;是设备集成和信息集成的基础.