- information index system 信息检索系统
- Then the paper adopted information entropy method to evaluate the index system, combining with related data in 2004. 同时采用熵值法,结合2004年西北五省相关评价指标值对该指标体系进行综合评价。
- But the index system of safety evaluation is much more complex, also subjective and objective information exits. 本文在综合考虑航空公司安全影响因素的前提下,建立了安全评估指标体系。
- A word, symbol, or number used as a descriptor for retrieval of information from a collection, especially in a coordinate indexing system. 用作描述符的一种字、符号或数,用于从某一集合中,特别是从某一配位标引系统中检索信息
- Based on it, the author proves the scientificity of the quality evaluation index system of the accounting information by using a lot of date, and acquires satisfied results. 在此基础上,结合公司实例对会计信息质量评价体系的科学性进行检验,得出比较满意的评价结果。
- The fourth part focus on a exemplification of the appraise index system. 第四部分主要是对第三部分的评价指标体系进行例证。
- The index system to evaluate the efficiency of supply chain is established. 构建测评供应链经济效益的评价指标体系.
- Methods The index system was assessed by Delphi method and documents index. 方法采用文献检索法和特尔斐法对评价指标进行探讨和论证。
- A fixed indexing system, like English. 最好它维持做固定编码索引,像英文。
- Hence for satisfy the Information Index to search engine technique and then emerge with the tide of the times demandingly. 于是,为满足信息检索需求的搜索引擎技术便应运而生了。
- In this paper, the Web-based Product Information Filtering System was proposed.Combined with analytical multilevel system, an evaluation index system was established and its reliability was evaluated with the fuzzy mathematic theory. 以作者提出的网络化产品设计信息过滤器为对象,结合多层次系统分析方法,建立其可靠性的评价指标体系,用模糊综合评价方法对其可靠性进行了评价分析。
- It has also established a Cadastral Survey Plan Index System to facilitate the search of land boundary survey records. 该处又设立一个地籍测量图索引系统,利便地界测量记录的查阅工作。
- Based on transmission model of robot pose information and pose accuracy evaluation index system which have been studied, this paper derives the formulae of main pose accuracy evaluation index using planar SCARA robot as an example. 摘要基于机器人位姿信息传输模型及所研究的位姿精度评价指标体系,本论文以平面SCARA机器人??例,推导了主要位姿精度评价指标的计算公式。
- Regret tingly, lacking of information, the popularization of this method is hindered, which result in delaying to put education cost index into the comprehensive evaluation index system . 遗憾的是,由于资料的欠缺,不能将这种核算方法进行更大范围的推广,也就无法把教育成本指标引入到综合评价指标体系中去。
- At species level, the percentage of polymorphic loci (PPL) was 92.77%, the effective number of alleles per locus (Ne) was 1.4636, Nei's gene diversity (H) was 0.2316, and Shannon's information index (I) was 0.4275, respec-tively. 黄檗物种水平的遗传多样性高于种群水平:在物种水平上;多态位点百分率PPL=92.;77%25;有效等位基因数Ne=1
- An evaluating index system is established for degenerated estuarine ecosystem restoration. 摘要建立了退化河口生态系统恢复评价指标体系。
- We have so decided especially since this index system has not been widely used since its inception. 词典的网络版由于有了各种强大的电子检索及浏览功能的支援,“上下形检字法”作为“检字”方法而言,已无坚持的必要。
- A word, symbol, or number used as a descriptorfor retrieval of information from a collection, especially in a coordinate indexing system. 用作描述符的一种字、符号或数,用于从某一集合中,特别是从某一配位标引系统中检索信息。
- A study and construction on evaluation index system of regional sustainable forest resources development. 区域森林资源可持续发展评价指标体系研建。
- The suitability assessment index system of reverting farmland in middle and lower reaches of Tarim River. 塔河中下游退耕适宜性评价的指标体系及其权重。