- Why not ask Warren? He's an @information bureau@. 咋不去问瓦伦?他可是个“通天晓”。
- He is now working at an information bureau. 目前他在情报局工作。
- Peter is now work at an information bureau. 彼得在情报局工作。
- He knows a lot of things so they call him "information bureau". 他懂得很多东西,所以人们称他为“万事通”。
- Bear knows a lot of things so we call him "information bureau". 老熊懂得很多东西,所以我们称他为"万事通"。
- An information bureau collects and keeps various facts. 新闻局收集和保存各方面的事实.
- The Information Bureau will prohibit some subversive publications. 新闻局将禁止煽动性刊物。
- Paasche radical made a report to foreign information bureau and counterespionage bureau instantly. 帕斯基立即向国外情报局与反间谍局做了汇报。
- The Product Standards Information Bureau (PSIB) maintains a reference library holding some 120000 standards issued by different national and international standards organisations. 产品标准资料组设有产品标准图书馆,储存逾12万套由各国或国际标准组织出版的标准,供市民查阅。
- The Product Standards Information Bureau operates a library holding some 80 000 standards issued by different countries and international standards organisations. 产品标准资料组则设有图书馆,收藏约80000份由不同国家及国际标准组织发出的标准文件。
- The government information bureau's overseas website in New York still has not updated its information about the new presentation over ten days since Abni's inauguration. 虽然阿扁已经就职十几工但是新闻局伫米国纽约耶海外网站耶资料犹原搁写李登辉总统,无更新。
- I know confederative orgnaization can come, I still invited FBI, everybody thinks I am crazy, I call to confederative information bureau, they say, we know your operation. 我知道联邦机构会来,我还邀请了 FBI,每个人都以为我疯了,我给联邦情报局打电话,他们说,我们知道你们的行动。
- What right have you people to clutter up my life, steal my time, probe my soul, suckle my thoughts, have me for your companion, confidant, and information bureau? 你们这些人有什么权利把我的生活搅得一团糟?偷走我的时间,窥探我的心灵,汲取我的思想,叫我给你们做伴、做知己、做问讯处?
- She is an information bureau. 她是个情报局。
- National Charities Information Bureau NCIB 国家慈善信息局
- Enemy Civilian Internee Information Bureau 被拘敌侨情报局
- Enemy Prisoner of War Information Bureau 敌方战俘情报局
- He is raking through old records for information. 他在过去的记录中找寻资料。
- Assassination Information Bureau 暗杀情报局
- All our information is up to date on the computer. 我们计算机上的信息都是最新的。