- informal organization norm 非正式组织的规范
- Before long the informal organization will catch on to the new work flow. 不用多久,非正式的组织将适应新的工作流程。
- Attention to committee behavior, leadership patterns, and informal organization. 关注委员会行为、领导规范和非正式组织。
- Formal organizations create additional informal organizations. 正式组织可产生附带的非正式的组织。
- Hospital informal organization heavily affected hospital management and the traditional hospital management model took a blind eye on it. 医院中的非正式组织是一种客观存在,它对医院管理实践产生重要影响,而传统医院理论对此没有给予足够的重视。
- The professional reading club was established as an informal organization, to foster work ethics and skills to the highest level of development and practice. 读书会宗旨:专业读书会是由采购或供应链管理专业人士组成的非正式团体,用以鼓励职业修养及提升专业技能水平。
- The high school is an organizational, loose system, there exists informal organization in high school students. 摘要高校是一个有组织的松散系统,高校学生中存在非正式组织。
- OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) is one of the largest online documents and information organization. 摘要OCLC是世界上最大的联机文献信息服务机构之一。
- Finally,the author sums up the trends of information organization development in the future. 最后,对未来信息组织的研究和发展走向作了分析。
- CHOL has been applied in ethnology and anthropology for Chinese information organization and knowledge discovery. CHOL原型系统已被应用于民族学人类学的信息组织与知识发现。
- The format of the target processor. Labels appear below to help explain note information organization, but they are not part of the specification. 有的时候供应商或系统设计者需要用特殊的信息标志一个。
- This paper introduces the concept of information organization and mainly discusses its inscape and those of relationship in the digital environment. 对数字环境下信息组织的概念进行了阐释,重点对数字化信息组织构成要素及其相互关系进行了较深入的研究和探讨。
- Organizational norms also operate to stifle the expression of more transformative political views. 组织惯例的一个作用就是遏制那些主张变革的政治观点的表达。
- The college/department reference room is an essential information organization for teaching and research and it plays an irreplaceable role. 高校院系资料室是高校教学、科研必不可少的情报机构,在高校教学、科研中有着不可替代的作用。
- Informal organization management in hospital 论医院非正式组织的管理
- Undoubtedly, it is of great realistic significance that we study the relations and the development trends between document organization and web information organization. 探讨网络信息组织与传统文献组织之间的关系及其发展趋势,无疑具有重要的现实意义。
- It fell to me to inform her of her son's death. 要把她儿子死亡的消息告诉她,这责任落在了我的肩上。
- The essence of library traditional document organization and web information organization is knowledge organization, which basic methods include classification and subject. 图书馆传统文献组织与网络信息组织的实质是知识组织,分类法和主题法是知识组织的基本方法。
- Our only resort is to inform the police. 我们唯一的办法就是向警方报案。