- Some background: In the early years of this decade, China began running large trade surpluses and also began attracting substantial inflows of foreign capital. 这里提供一些背景:早在十年前,中国便开始累计大额的贸易顺差,并且开始吸引大量的外资流入。
- The drastic inflow of foreign capital into Chinese market undeniably exerted huge impact on China"s domestic industry for the time being. 不可否认的是,外国资本的快速渗入对我国的民族产业在短期内确实带来了巨大的冲击。
- With the persisting inflow of foreign capital,China is now facing an ever-growing pressure of revaluing the RMB exchange rate,especially an appreciation. 随着国际资本的不断流入,国际上要求人民币升值的呼声越来越高。
- MOFTEC spokesman Gao Yan recently told the press in Guangzhou that China now sees a good situation in foreign capital utilization, with the resumption of growing inflow of foreign investment. 外经贸部新闻发言人高燕不久前在广州就当前中国的外经贸形势回答记者提问时表示,当前中国利用外资总体形势良好,已出现了恢复性增长。
- disbursement of foreign capital;actual inflow of foreign investment 实际利用外资
- New Trends of Inflow of Foreign Capital Seen From Shanghai and Shenzhen 从上海和深圳看中国引进外资新动向
- What do your absorption of foreign capital cover? 贵方吸引外资包括哪些范围?
- On Contradiction between Excess Savings and Inflow of Foreign Capital and Solution to the Problem 论我国储蓄过剩与外资流入的矛盾及对策
- The rising yuan would lead to more inflows of foreign speculative capital, stoking more inflation. 人民币的升值会导致更多外国投机资本的涌入,催动更加物价膨胀。
- inflows of foreign capital 外国资本流入
- inflow of foreign capital 外国资本流入
- What has brought about by invasion of foreign capitalism? 外国资本主义的入侵究竟给中国带来了什么?
- The welfare influence of foreign capital inflows in an economy with an imperfectly competitive product market and a capital-intensive import-competing sector are analyzed. 本文分析了在不完全竞争的产品市场中,在东道国的进口竞争性部门为资本密集型的情况下,外资流入对福利的效应问题。
- The country tried to shake off the control of foreign capital. 这个国家试图摆脱外国资本的控制。
- In recent days the krona has shot up in value against the euro, partly because the central bank has eased the controls on inflows of foreign exchange. 近几天,冰岛克朗兑欧元急剧上升,这部分是由于央行已放松外汇流入。
- Those repositories of risk assets, emerging markets, are off to the races, with equities and even currencies pushed higher by inflows of foreign money. 作为风险资产的集散地,新兴市场开始活跃,外资的流入推高了股市、甚至货币汇率。
- An inflow of capital is a surplus. 资本的输入是一项顺差。
- Absorption of foreign capital is an essential part of our business activity. 吸收外资是我们贸易活动中的重要部分。
- Analysts say the second half of the net inflow of foreign currency a further increase to our country from the outside to bring endless liquidity. 分析人士说,下半年外汇净流入的进一步增加,将从外部给我国带来源源不断的流动性。
- What is the factor determining the scope of your absorption of foreign capital? 贵方吸引外资的范围取决于什么因素?