- MOFTEC spokesman Gao Yan recently told the press in Guangzhou that China now sees a good situation in foreign capital utilization, with the resumption of growing inflow of foreign investment. 外经贸部新闻发言人高燕不久前在广州就当前中国的外经贸形势回答记者提问时表示,当前中国利用外资总体形势良好,已出现了恢复性增长。
- strong inflow of foreign investment 强劲的外来投资流入
- disbursement of foreign capital;actual inflow of foreign investment 实际利用外资
- At further expansion of foreign investment. 在国外的投资进一步扩大。
- inflow of foreign investment 外来投资流入
- It turns out that the spillover effect does exist interactively with the rapid inflow of foreign direct investment thoughit is not quite obvious. 其结果显示,沈阳市装备制造业利用外资在整体上产生了溢出效应,但是溢出效应并不十分明显;
- That surplus along with a dollop of foreign direct investment gave China a net inflow of foreign exchange of well over $100 billion in the first quarter. 经常项目余额加上一块外国的直接投资在第一季度给予中国的外汇交易超过1000亿美元的净流入增长。
- China has led developing countries in direct foreign investment for eight consecutive years, with an inflow of more than US$40 billion of international capital annually. China has become a real hotspot of investment favored by worldwide investors. 中国已经连续8年成为外商直接投资最多的发展中国家,平均每年都有400亿美元以上的国际资金流入中国,名副其实地成为世界青睐的投资热土。
- Hong Kong's attractiveness as a place to do business is reflected by two major indicators,namely the inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI),and the number of foreign-owned regional headquarters and regional offices. 外来直接投资额,以及外国公司在香港设立的地区总部和地区办事处的数目,是反映香港作为营商地点的吸引力的两项重要指标。
- Hong Kong's attractiveness as a place to do business is reflected by two major indicators, namely the inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI), and the number of foreign-owned regional headquarters and regional offices. 外来直接投资额,以及外国公司在香港设立的地区总部和地区办事处的数目,是反映香港作为营商地点的吸引力的两项重要指标。
- As a result,we were able to attract a lot of foreign investment. 就这样让我们吸引 了大量的外国投资。
- As a result, we were able to attract a lot of foreign investment. 结果,我们吸引了大量的外来投资。
- Analysts say the second half of the net inflow of foreign currency a further increase to our country from the outside to bring endless liquidity. 分析人士说,下半年外汇净流入的进一步增加,将从外部给我国带来源源不断的流动性。
- The drastic inflow of foreign capital into Chinese market undeniably exerted huge impact on China"s domestic industry for the time being. 不可否认的是,外国资本的快速渗入对我国的民族产业在短期内确实带来了巨大的冲击。
- The Fair has played an important role in publicizing China's policies of foreign investment, the increase of foreign capital inflow and the overseas investment of Chinese companies. 投资贸易洽谈会在宣传中国利用外资政策,促进外商来华投资,引导中国企业到海外投在等方面发挥了重要作用。
- Over the past 20 years, Hong Kong has been very helpful in enabling the mainland to get inflow of foreign capital. Now we worry that such a role might diminish and even disappear. 因为我们都很担心,像过去20多年引入外资的角色可能要失去了。
- Implications of China being the biggest receiver of foreign investment? 中国成为全球最大外资引进国意味着什么?
- With the persisting inflow of foreign capital,China is now facing an ever-growing pressure of revaluing the RMB exchange rate,especially an appreciation. 随着国际资本的不断流入,国际上要求人民币升值的呼声越来越高。
- Enhancing the inspection on the trueness of foreign investment projects. 二、加强对外商投资项目真实性的审查。
- An inflow of capital is a surplus. 资本的输入是一项顺差。