- The inflation of the airbed took several minutes. 给空气床垫充气花了几分钟时间。
- People do not like to see the inflation of currency. 通货膨胀是人们不愿看到的。
- She developed symptoms of consumption. 她显示出肺病的症候。
- Internet shopping is a new way of consumption. 网上购物是当今消费的一种新途径。
- In 1843 Smith's elder brother died of consumption. 1843年,史密斯的的哥哥死于痨病。
- China has targeted headline inflation of 4 per cent this year. 中国的目标是将今年的整体通胀率控制在4%25。
- It excludes one case even in the field of consumption goods. 它排斥一种甚至在消费资料范围内的情况。
- inflation of consumption 消费膨胀
- inflation of consumption demand 消费需求膨胀
- The growth rate of consumption demand has picked up. 消费需求增幅回升。
- Another risk is the inflation of consumer expectations. 另一个风险是消费者预期的膨胀。
- The study also points out the limitations of consumption price indexes and commodity retail price indexes which are used to measure inflation. 并指出用居民消费价格指数和商品零售价格指数作为测度我国通货膨胀指标的局限性。
- The capitalist countries are all facing inflation of their currencies. 资本主义国家在面临着通货膨胀。
- You can also define a rate of consumption for material resources. 您还可以定义材料资源的消耗率。
- The lowliest form of consumption is transformed into the loftiest. 最低贱的消费转变成了最昂贵的。
- Witnessing contracts of consumption loan on credit and security. 为个人消费信贷、担保借款合同提供见证。
- Inflation has got out of control. 通货膨胀失去了控制。
- Environmentalists looking on this orgy of consumption can only be appalled. 而环保主义者看到这样无度的消费也只能是感到惊骇了。
- The level of inflation has gone beyond 8%. 通货膨胀率已经超过了8%。
- Inflation is the bogy of many governments. 通货膨胀是许多政府害怕的事情。