- Dexamethasone(Dex) and indomethacin (Ind) also inhibited inflammatory reaction. 地塞米松 (Dex)和吲哚美辛 (Ind)也有类似的抗炎作用。
- Blockage of ducts causes sweat to escape into various levels of the skin and produce different inflammatory reactions. 因为汗腺导管阻塞,汗液溢入皮肤各层而产生不同的发炎反应。
- In the demyelinating areas vacuolation and spongy appearance were obvious, glial cells were a few and no inflammatory reactions were displayed. 脱髓性病损是非对称性发生,对神经束没有特殊的亲和力。
- Our result showed that the tissues of neurodermatitis witnessed chronic inflammatory reactions,including infiltration of inflammatory cells,migratio... 苏州大学医学院病理教研室;苏州大学附属第一医院病理科;
- Recent studies indicated that dental pulp fibroblasts played an important role in pulp immune and inflammatory reactions. 近年的研究表明成纤维细胞在牙髓免疫炎症反应中发挥着重要作用。
- The hypersensitivity and inflammatory reactions initiated by antiviral immunity can be the major cause of the pathologic manifestations and symptoms of viral disease. 抗病毒免疫引起的超敏反应和炎症反应可导致病毒性疾病的主要病理变化和症状。
- The authors concluded that most causes of pediatric dysphonia result from diseases that have a high potential for inflammatory reactions originating from a variety of mechanisms. 作者认为,小儿发声困难的主要原因,是由于一些疾病极可能通过多种机制引起炎症反应。
- According to the literature, tinea capitis in adults is supposed to be rare and is marked femal preponderance with little inflammatory reaction. 根据文献统计,成人头癣是少见的且以女性居大多数,并且都较局限性,发炎较轻微,少有如此严重之表现。
- ESM 1 may play an important role in inflammatory reaction as a cell factor with LPS concomitantly. 推测ESM 1可能作为一种细胞因子与LPS在炎症反应中发挥着作用。
- Some positions in which larvas parasitized were damaged by mechanical affection and inflammatory reaction. 虫体寄生部位因虫体的机械作用和炎症反应而受损。
- Sometimes the inflammatory reaction is mainly one of scarring, as seen here with a silicotic nodule of the lung. 炎症反应主要形成疤痕,如图所示肺矽结节。
- The copper loop works mostly by producing an inflammatory reaction in the uterus. 避孕环主要通过在子宫中产生炎症反应而发挥其作用。
- CNV and eye anterior segment inflammatory reaction are two inducing factors of immunological rejection. 而新生血管和眼前段炎症反应是角膜植片发生免疫排斥反应的2个主要诱发因素。
- At present, view supports that ALI after OLT is runway of partial inflammatory reaction of lung[6-8]. 目前研究认为,肝移植术后急性肺损伤是一个肺局部炎症反应失控的过程[6-8]。
- T cell have a close relationship with inflammatory reaction in atheromatous plaque. 细胞与动脉粥样斑块炎性反应关系密切。
- The bone marrow mobilization may aggravate the inflammatory reaction in ischemic cardiac tissue. 骨髓动员可以加重缺血局部心肌组织的炎症反应。
- Methods The relevant literatures about the role of leukocyte activation and inflammatory reaction in CVI were reviewed. 方法查阅国内、外相关文献并进行综述。
- Conclusion:0.1% diclofenac sodium eye drops could lessen the postoperative intraocular inflammatory reaction for cataract surgery. 结论:双氯芬酸钠滴眼液可减轻白内障术后的炎症反应。
- Former experiments verified that the suitable stem cell transplantation was done after inflammatory reaction and before scar expansion. 已有的实验结果显示适宜干细胞移植的时机应是炎症反应过后,瘢痕扩展之前;
- Immunocytes regulate the process of wound healing by producing various cytokines,as well as in organism phylaxis and inflammatory reaction. 免疫系统除了在机体防御及炎症反应中起作用,还通过免疫细胞产生多种细胞因子对创伤愈合过程进行调节,并伴随创伤修复的整个过程。