- Has infinite resistance when open. 开路时电阻为无穷大。
- Infinite resistance curve ensures increased wattage as you increase speed 当您加速时,无限的阻力确保了骑行台由于磨擦而随之增加的瓦数
- Teaching little children takes infinite patience. 教幼儿需有极大的耐心。
- The death of her son gave her infinite pain. 她儿子的去世使她悲痛欲绝。
- Being neither infinite nor infinitesimal. 非极限的,非无限小的既非无穷大也非无限小
- The number of positive numbers is infinite. 正数的数目是无穷的。
- Her resistance to the proposal has crumpled. 她对这个建议的抵触情绪已化为乌有了。
- Each of the bulbs has a resistance of120 ohms. 每一盏灯泡有120欧姆的电阻。
- Being without boundaries or limits; infinite. 无限制的没有限制或界线的; 无限的
- Copper has less resistance than lead. 铜的电阻比铅的小。
- There has been a lot of resistance to this new law. 反对这项新法律的人很多。
- Our troops encountered only token resistance. 我们的部队仅受到表面上的抵抗。
- This is a storyteller of infinite jest. 这是一个无比诙谐的说书人。
- Resistance stiffened even further last week. 上星期抵抗进一步加强了。
- The enemy gave up without resistance. 敌军没有抵抗就投降了。
- It takes infinite patience to teach little children. 教小孩子需要极大的耐心。
- It is difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space. 掌握无限空间的概念是很难的。
- Every line in her face is the line of least resistance. 她脸上的每一根线条,都是阻小最小的线条。
- Only by determined resistance could their country be saved. 只有坚决抵抗,他们的国家才能得救。
- His resistance was worn down by constant nagging from his wife. 他的反抗被他妻子无休止的唠叨瓦解了。