- Some of them developed a great inferiority complex. 他们有些人养成了严重的自卑感。
- He had an inferiority complex about his looks. 他对自己的外表感到自卑。
- He had an inferiority complex about his sexuality. 他对自己的性能力有一种自卑情结。
- She has always had an inferiority complex about her looks. 她始终对自己的外表感到自卑。
- Confidence and inferiority complex has delicate relationship. 自信与自卑总是附带着一种离不开的关系。
- Psychiatrist: What makes you think you have an inferiority complex? 精神病医生:是什么让你认为你有自卑情结?
- She has an inferiority complex about [because of] her bad complexion. 她因自己的肤色不好而感到自卑。
- SOME comparisons are stark enough to generate a national inferiority complex. 很多方面的比较足以使他们产生这种民族自卑感。
- We all like to using the confidence to pretend our inferiority complex. 我们喜欢用自信來掩饰自卑。
- How ever the people always misunderstand the power of inferiority complex. 然而,人往往误解了自卑的力量。
- Russia's sense of resurgence is mixed with a deeply rooted inferiority complex. 复兴俄罗斯的感情混合着一种根深蒂固的自卑感。
- An inferiority complex is very harmful to you and is the greatest obstacle . 自卑心是最伤害自己的,是最大的障碍。
- E.g.: We should help those children with inferiority complex to get rid of it. 我们应该帮助那些有自卑情结的儿童去摆脱它.
- After not allowing themselves in, no one can make its inferiority complex! 不经过自己得允许,没有人可以让自己自卑!
- College students, in my experience, suffer from an inferiority complex. 据我的经验,大学生存在着自卑情绪。
- Stop thinking like that or your will develop an inferiority complex. 不要那样想,否则你会产生自卑感。
- Yet the civilian law enforcers remain undertrained, ill-equipped and hampered by a massive inferiority complex. 但这些国家的执法者却没有经过良好的训练,装备落后,被强烈的自卑情结所绊。
- Confidence is revelated from heart to outside and inferiority complex is opposition. 自信是向外发展,而自卑则是向內探索。
- Most of patients have inferiority complex and have prejudice of psychoses and medicines. 大多数患者有自卑感,有被社会和家庭遗弃感。
- Chen has often spoken of his inferiority complex as a child and his eagerness to be accepted by his peers. 陈坤经常说起他孩子时的自卑感以及他想被同龄人接受的渴望。