- Not only will the boom end in a cyclical bust, but inefficient investment will also drag down China's long-term growth rate. 不但这次的投资热会在周期性的泡沫中结束,而且无效的投资也会将中国的长期增长率拖下来。
- But Venture Capital couldn't prevent the IPOs from aggrandizing investment demand.There are also immoderate financing and inefficient investment in the VC-backed IPOs. 但风险投资没有能够有效抑止IPO公司夸大投资需求的行为,筹资规模过大、资金使用效率低下的现象在有风险投资持股的公司中依然存在。
- Equity System, Asymmetric Information and Inefficient Investment Behavior 股权制度安排、信息不对称与企业非效率投资行为
- The Tax Policy to Stop Inefficient Investments 治理低水平盲目投资建设的税收对策
- He is inefficient and must be replaced. 他不称职,必须撤换。
- The new boss was the scourge of the inefficient. 新老板来了以后,不称职的人就遭殃了。
- Research on Inefficient Investment Behavior and Allocation of Control Rights in Venture Capital Backed Companies 创业投资企业的控制权配置与非效率投资行为
- Inefficient bureaucratic administrations would be phased out. 低效的官僚管理体制将会逐渐废除。
- Keywords Inefficient investment;Overinvestment;Underinvestment;Principal-Agency;Financing constraint; 非效率投资;过度投资;投资不足;委托代理;融资约束;
- He invest all his money in a shop. 他将所有的钱投资于商店。
- The government refuses to prop up inefficient industries. 政府拒绝补贴效益不佳的行业。
- She is advised to invest in real estate. 有人建议他投资于房地产。
- Think of it in terms of an investment. 从投资的角度来考虑那件事。
- He's hopelessly inefficient, but I suppose he means well. 他低能得无以复加,然而却是出于好心。
- I won't invest my money in his company. 我不会把我的钱投资到他的公司。
- The firm has made a huge investment in new plant. 该公司投入巨资购置新设备。
- Antiques are a very safe investment. 古玩是一种非常保险的投资对象。
- I've decided to invest in a new car. 我已决定买一辆新汽车。
- The business failed because of inefficient management. 企业因管理不善而告失败。
- You must invest if you want your business to grow. 要想使生意扩大,必须投资。