- ine protection area 海洋特别保护区
- The Kanas protection area has over 300 lakes. 喀纳斯保护区有三百多个湖泊呢!
- Protection area of forest resources. 保护辖区森林资源等。
- Improvement works to a river which discharges into a coastal protection area. 在一条排放入海滨保护区的河流进行改善工程。
- Protected area for the red-crowned cranes. 丹顶鹤自然保护区。
- Protected area was deleted successful! 成功删除受保护区域!
- A small, isolated, or protected area or group. 孤立的地区,保护区被隔离的或被保护的小地区或集团
- The function area was subdivided into 2 parts: Lake shoal protection area covering 334 km2; wetland landscape and water biodiversity conservation area. 该区分为二个子区:湖滨滩地保护区:面积334平方公里。湿地景观与生物多样性保护区:面积2291平方公里。
- Are all specimens collected from the protected area. 全部都是从保护区採集来的动物标本。
- Study on the Coordinative Development Mechanisms of Forest Protection and Social Economy in Natural Forest Protection Area. 天保地区森林资源保护与社会经济协调发展机制研究。
- Scenic Peak National Forest Park and Huidong Gutian Natural Protection area need protection and progressive development. 御景峰国家森林公园、惠东县古田省级自然保护区要保护好,逐步发展。
- Ejin Banner now has almost 30000 hectares Diversifolious poplar forest which is listed on state-level nature protection area. 额济纳旗现存的胡杨林约3万公顷,已被列为国家级自然保护区。
- The main highway sering A-Long Bay natural scenery protection area is connected to the expressway, which goes from Haikou to Sanya. 到亚龙湾自然风景保护区的公路连接于从海口到三亚的高速公路。
- Now Chifeng has 6 national natur protection areas and 6national forest parks. 赤峰市现有国家级自然保护区6处、国家级森林公园6处。
- Among the forests with special uses,the trees in sites of historical interests and revolutionary commemoration and the forest in the natural protection area shall forbid cutting. 特种用途林中的名胜古迹和革命纪念地的林木、自然保护区的森林,严禁采伐。
- Suriname has the largest protected area of rain forest in the world. 苏利南拥有全世界最大的热带雨林保护区。
- Among the forests with special uses, the trees in sites of historical interests and revolutionary commemoration and the forest in the natural protection area shall forbid cutting. 特种用途林中的名胜古迹和革命纪念地的林木、自然保护区的森林,严禁采伐。
- In my opinion, should protect their survival environment first, for example establishment nature protection area. Three rivers sources nature protection area is a good example! 在我看来,应该先保护好它们的生存环境,例如建立自然保护区。三江源自然保护区就是一个好例子!
- Three river sources are the key ecological and environmental protection area in our country since their changes directly relate to ecological safety of our country. 三江源区是我国生态与环境保护的关键地区,其生态与环境的变化直接关系到我国的生态安全。
- Boarded the view of protected areas tower can be seen Luqun Hee Yu. 登上保护区的眺望塔可以看到鹿群嬉游。