- industry management policy 产业管制政策
- Can you tell me how to find some book on industrial management? 能不能请告诉我怎样去找工业管理方面的书?
- The company has recently drawn up a formal waste management policy. 该公司最近正式制定了一项废物管理利用政策。
- Management policy: Preciseness, Innovation, Cooperation, Win-win! 经营方针:严谨、创新、合作、共赢!
- Leading shareholder in the company forces a change in management policy. 公司大股东强行改变管理政策。
- Leading shareholder in the company forces a change in management policy . 公司大股东强行改变管理政策。
- We should bring order to industrial management. 四、整顿企业管理秩序。
- An information management policy is a set of rules for a type of content. 信息管理策略是用于某类内容的一组规则。
- By the unsustainable fishery management policy of the Hong Kong Government. 特区政府短视的渔业管理政策已。
- We must tighten up our management policies. 我们必须强化我们的经营方针。
- We have to enforce our management policies. (我们必须强化我们的经营方针。)
- We have two shelves for books on industrial management. 有关工业管理的书我们有满满两书架。
- Leading shareholder in the company force a change in management policy. 公司大股东强行改变管理政策。
- This is Chinese Banking industry Management by supervision commission chairman Liu Mingkang speaks at the meeting. 这是中国银行业监督管理委员会主席刘明康在会上发言。
- Coevolution conception has realistic meaning for constituting industry management and corporation stratagem. 协同进化观念对于行业管理和企业战略的制定有现实意义。
- Industrial management is a vital issue and it must be handled well. 企业管理是一件大事,一定要认真搞好。
- Small profits but quick turnover is our manage policy! 薄利多销!是舜科仪表的经营方针!
- We hope this study is helpful to the rule-making procedure of CHM industry management in the future. 希望能藉由本研究的进行,有助于未来发展中草药产业的规范订定参考依据。
- The captains of industry manage to hang onto their money no matter what. 不管发生什么情况,那些公司大老板们都会牢牢控制住他们的钱财。
- Some countries have set excellent airline industry management system namely airworthy management system. 有关对中国民航的研究表明:每当民航处在较大的管理体制和其他方面的变革时期飞行安全的形势就比较严峻。