- an industrious and frugal family 勤俭人家
- She is always industrious and frugal, thrifty even in days of abundance. 她总是克勤克俭,富日子当穷日子过。
- Old Tong Bao himself was a respectable person; both Ah Si, his elder son, and his daughter-in-law were industrious and frugal. 他自己也是规矩人,他的儿子阿四,儿媳四大娘,都是勤俭的。
- In order to secure my credit and character as a tradesman, I took care not only to be in reality industrious and frugal, but to avoid the appearances to the contrary. 因为要巩固商人的信用和人格,我不但注意到勤劳和节俭的实际情形,也要避免负面的现象。我穿得很朴素;
- We must build up our country with industry and frugality. 我们必须勤俭建国。
- lead an industrious and frugal life 勤俭过日子
- She lived a careful and frugal life. 她过着谨慎、节俭的生活。
- She knew him to be industrious and clever. 她知道他既勤奋又聪明。
- He has always been hard-working and frugal. 他一向勤俭。
- But she continues to live a plain and frugal life. 但是她的生活依然非常俭朴。
- Industry and frugality are the inherent qualities of the Chinese nation. 勤劳俭朴是中华民族的本色。
- She keeps house industriously and frugally and niggles over every detail of each bill. 她勤俭持家对每张账单的每一项目都仔细核查。
- She knows Peter to be industrious and clever. 她知道彼得可以勤奋些、机灵些的。
- Where the people are industrious and courageous. 那里的人们勤劳勇敢。
- He succeeded both because he was industrious and because he had many friends to help him. 他的成功是由于勤勉和许多朋友的帮助。
- I therefore filled all the little spaces that occurred between the remarkable days in the calendar with proverbial sentences chiefly such as inculcated industry and frugality. 所以我在日历重要日子间留出了空间,用来加入了一些勤俭节约的格言。”
- Though he is a descendant of an aristocratic family, he leads a simple and frugal life. 他是皇族贵胄,生活上却很简朴。
- Honesty, industry and kindness are element of a good life. 诚实,勤奋和善良是良善的生活要素。
- To begin to exercise thrift and frugality. 开始实施勤俭节约
- But they learned how to trim almost 20 percent off their monthly child care bills during the 30-day "Frugal Family Challenge" -- a "Good Morning America Weekend" partnership with USA Today. 不过,经过30天的“节俭家庭挑战”---由“今日美国”和“早安美国周末版”合作的活动,他们学会了如何削减将近20%25的每月儿童看护开支。