- industrial used cloth 工为用布
- So you should use cloth and relinquish the plastic. 你必须用布尿布而不能用塑料的。
- Industrial used controller source program, C-C. 工业用控制器源程序。
- Packing of sodium carbonate for industrial use II. 工业用碳酸钠包装2。
- The land is zoned for industrial use. 这块土地被分成工业用途区。
- Hexylene glycol for industrial use. 工业已烯乙二醇。
- Diacetone alcohol for industrial use. 工业双丙酮醇。
- Apart from industrial use, plastics have found wide application in our daily life. 除了工业用途之外,塑料还在日常生活中得到了广泛的应用。
- A solution, an emulsion, or a suspension for industrial use. 工业用的溶液、乳剂或悬浮液
- She likes to ring the changes on her used clothes. 她喜欢用旧衣服做不同的搭配。
- A solution,an emulsion,or a suspension for industrial use. 工业用的溶液、乳剂或悬浮液
- An air hammer is a kind of pneumatic tool for industrial use. 气锤是一种工业用气动工具。
- I may also use cloth diapers, instead of disposables, if I can get it to work with my child-care situation. 我可能还会给孩子使用尿布,而不是一次性的纸尿裤,如果能找着合用的尿布的话。
- This chemical has a wide range of industrial uses. 这种化学药品在工业上用途广泛。
- Also but will vegetable mincing, crowded juice of the bag that use cloth is drinkable. 也可将蔬菜切碎,用布包挤汁饮用。
- "I love to use cloth quickly close, hard-won resumption of oil Banpen mud, could not bear to throw or eat. “我和爱人赶快用抹布收,好不容易收了半盆泥巴油,舍不得扔还是吃了。”
- The Government zones land for general and specialised industrial use. 为此,政府划定土地作一般及特殊工业用途。
- As the element of a kind of OK and free commutation, if use cloth art ably, can let household often change Chang Xin. 作为一种可以自由变换的元素,假如巧妙地使用布艺,可以让家居常变常新。
- To start, when you go shopping, whether it is for food or any other type of product, use cloth tote shopping bags. 从购物习惯开始,无论是买食物还是其他产品要尽量使用布做的购物袋。
- Ligustrum lucidum: Ligustrum lucidum 10 grams, a soft-shelled turtle, Ligustrum lucidum use cloth with soft-shelled turtle with cooking, food-seasoning. 女贞子:女贞子10克,甲鱼1只,女贞子用布包同甲鱼一起煮,放调味食用。