- industrial supporting policy 产业扶持政策
- An Analysis of Misunderstandings for Regional Economy Development with Industry Supporting Policy and its Countermeasures 产业扶持政策下中国区域经济发展的误区及对策分析
- industry supporting policy 产业扶持政策
- The other is to have industry support agriculture. 另一个方面是工业支援农业。
- The Industrial Support Fund finances projects of benefit to the manufacturing sector. 工业支援基金资助有利制造业发展的计划;
- Studies have been carried out to explore feasible fiscal and tax supporting policies for industrial restructuring and rejuvenating. 研究实行产业调整与振兴规划财税扶持政策。
- Since its establishment, the Industrial Support Fund and the Services Support Fund have been subsumed under it. 自成立创新及科技基金后,以往的工业支援资助计划及服务业支援资助计划现已被这个基金所替代。
- The essence of the policy shift is to move the onusfromagriculture supporting industry to industry supporting agriculture, according to the paper. 根据文件指出,政策转移的本质是将从农业支持工业向工业支持农业转移。
- In fact, over the years the Government has developed a number of industrial support programmes and infrastructural support facilities. 事实上,过去多年来,政府发展了多项工业支援计划和基建支援设施。
- Each support policy is specifically the Taiwan mechanization of agriculture obtains the success with the necessary measure the important guarantee. 各项扶持政策与具体配套措施是台湾农业机械化取得成功的重要保证。
- The government's propaganda officials routinely order the media to run articles and reports that support policy initiatives. 中国政府宣传官员通常会命令媒体刊登支持政策举措的文章和报道。
- In fact,over the years the government has developed a number of industrial support programmes and infrastructural support facilities. 事实上,过去多年来,政府发展了多项工业支援计划和基建支援设施。
- Other crosscutting themes include improving governance for a market economy, expanding private sector operations, and supporting policy and institutional reforms. 另一个明确的主题包括加强市场经济的管理,扩展私有企业的运作,支持政策和制度的改革。
- Wuhan New City already possesses relatively perfect urban infrastructure system, service facility system with excellent industrial supporting and service environment. 武汉新区已具有较为完善的城市基础设施系统、服务设施系统,具有良好的产业配套环境、服务环境等。
- For the details about Microsoft product support time frames, see the Microsoft Support Life-Cycle Support Policy FAQ page on the Microsoft Help and Support site. 有关Microsoft产品支持时间范围的详细信息,请参见Microsoft帮助和支持站点中的Microsoft支持生命周期支持策略常见问题页面。
- The investors are now asking for a government support policy, to permit the extension of the toll period to recoup the additional further necessary expenditure. 另外,由于投资增加等原因,投资方提出给予政策扶持、延长收费期限等请求。
- Commercial facilities are not fabricated, with the urban functions, industrial development and market demand are closely related is the need for a strong industrial support. 商务设施的建设不是凭空制造的,必须与城市功能、产业发展和市场需求紧密相联系,必须有相当强大的产业支持。
- This by no means nonsensical talk, country to grow strong this has the proprietary intellectual property rights standard, gives inevitably moves the corresponding support policy. 这并非无稽之谈,国家为了发展壮大这一具有自主知识产权的标准,必然给予中移动相应的扶持政策。
- Consequently, the pricing reformation of water supplying must be perfected from the subject and object of pricing, reformation legislation, and other related supporting policy and so on. 因此,中国城市自来水的定价改革必须从独立的定价主体和客体、改革立法和相关配套政策等方面进行完善。
- Review industrial assistance and promote the redevelopment of key centers for industrial support in order to more effectively support corporate management and technological development. 重新评估产业支援,促进产业支援主要中心的再开发,以便更有效地支持企业的经营和技术开发。