- industrial harmful matter 工业有害物
- DIAX owing the deodorant special for car, have effect on clean up Formaldehyde, Benzene and some harmful matter, resolved different smell ,such as cigarette and leather. DIAX达诗汽车专用消臭系列,有效分解祛除车内甲醛、苯等有害空气,分解祛除烟味、皮革等各种异味,DIAX给您一个健康舒畅的驾车空间。
- It was reviewed the application of chemometrics in the determination of grains and oils,such as grains and oils classification,adulteration,the determination of food component and harmful matter. 评述了化学计量学在粮油检测中类别分析、掺伪分析、成分分析、卫生检测等方面的应用,并展望了化学计量学在粮油检测中的应用前景。
- The purifying catalyst may convert those harmful matters to harmless N2, CO2 and H2O. 净化催化剂可以将这些有害物质的绝大部分转化为无害的N2、CO2和H2O。
- No discharged waste water,waste gas or waste residue;no leaked super-standard noise or harmful matters. 无废水废汽废渣外排;无超标噪音和有害物质外泄.
- Essentials on to Deal With Harmful Matter in Feed 饲料中常见有害物质及处理方法概述
- Harmful matter that exceeded the standard 有害超标物质
- Fourth advanced physical extracting technology: Arawana groundnut Oil adopts advanced physical extracting technology, removes impurity, guarantees no harmful matters, and completely retains the original taste and unique aroma of groundnuts. 第四重保证高超技术的物理压榨工艺:金鱼花生油采用先进的物理压榨工艺,除去杂质,保证不含黄曲霉毒素等有害物质,完整保留花生油原汁原味,纯正独特的浓香。
- Keywords fiberglass wallcovering cloth;harmful matter; 玻璃纤维壁布;有害物质;
- England is an advanced industrial country. 英国是一个发达的工业国家。
- Early - warning system of industry harm 产业损害预警机制
- This country ranks last in industrial output. 这个国家的工业生产排名最後。
- The man was charged with industrial espionage. 此人被控告从事工业间谍活动。
- Many rivers are defiled by industrial waste. 许多河流被工业废水污染了。
- Steel and gasoline are industrial products. 钢和汽油是工业产品。
- The stockbroker has placed the money in industrial stock. 证券经纪人已用那笔钱购入了工业股票。
- A new city has grown up in this industrial district. 在这个工业地区兴起一座新城市。
- The city has already grown into an industrial centre. 这座城市已经发展成一个工业中心。
- Can you tell me how to find some book on industrial management? 能不能请告诉我怎样去找工业管理方面的书?
- The school has up a complete modern industrial system. 学校开设了一个专班来帮助阅读能力差的读者。