- This essay is on the growth of industrial capitalism in the West. 这篇论文是有关西方工业资本主义成长的。
- It served the interests of industrial capitalism under the direction of the party. 它是在党的领导下为工业资本主义服务的。
- Experiences in sales of industrial capital goods. 工业产品销售经验。
- Large industrial capital is exported to developing countries. 大量的工业资本输出到发展中国家。
- With evidences in literature,history,sociology and economics,Campbell argued that the modern consumerism rise not only with the market force of industrial capitalism but of the gain of pleasure and the romantic art of daydreaming. 通过对文学、历史、社会学、经济学等学科的例证,坎贝尔提出现代社会消费主义的特征不仅源于工业资本主义的市场力量,也与获取快感和白日梦的浪漫艺术相关。 此书是西方消费文化研究的经典作品,也是研究消费文化的必读书目。
- Media industry capital operation II. 传媒产业资本运营2。
- the growth of industrial capitalism in the West 西方工业资本主义的发展
- Neither of them dwelled upon the industrial capital"s effort in the process and the reason of the imperfect results. 她强调了工业资本的发展打破农村传统经济结构的积极作用,但未专门着墨于工业资本和农业经济的互动关系。
- A liberation “industrial capital principle driving force” the commercial revolution is treating the eruption. 一场解放“工业资本主义原动力”的商业革命正待爆发。
- Now, the band that people likes an industrial capital and financial capital compares the relation of " aweto " . 现在,人们喜欢把产业资本与金融资本的结合比喻成"冬虫夏草"的关系。
- Be part of this exciting show and see why Northern Ontario and in particular Sudbury is the mining and industrial capital of North America. 敬请参加这次精彩展览,了解为什么安大略北部,特别是萨德佰市是北美的矿业和工业首都。
- On the day of the presidential election money-politics could be seen in action in central Kano, the dusty, dilapidated industrial capital of the north. 在总统选举当天,金钱政治在卡诺中部有所体现,那是北方的工业中心,灰尘满布,破旧不堪。
- In the present, there are 80 percent companies of 500 biggest compa"nies in the world integrating financial and industrial capital. 至今,世界500强企业中,有80%25以上都成功地进行了产业资本与金融资本结合的经营行为。
- During some of the industrial capital, private capital began to take part in loan-sharking, obtaining high interest, it is also concerned about some kind of investment. 期间,一些实业资本、民间游资也纷纷加入高利贷,在获得高额利息同时,也在关注一些实物投资。
- The Netherlands is one of the world's rather happy countries, its industrial capital, Rotterdam, is home to the database, housed at Reassume University. 荷兰就是世界上相当幸福的国家之一,世界国民幸福水平数据库就设在其工业中心鹿特丹的伊拉斯姆斯大学。
- Scale and Scope: The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism 规模与范围:工业资本主义的原动力
- A Comparative Political Economy of Industrial Capitalism 工业资本主义的比较政治经济
- The bureaucrat-comprador bourgeoisie who accounted for only a small fraction of the population monopolized 80 percent of the industrial capital and controlled the economic lifelines of the country. 占人口极少数的官僚买办资产阶级垄断着80%25的工业资本,操纵着全国的经济命脉。
- England is an advanced industrial country. 英国是一个发达的工业国家。
- This country ranks last in industrial output. 这个国家的工业生产排名最後。