- electromagnetic inductance seismometer 电磁感应地震计
- inductance seismometer 电感式地震检波器
- The seismometer was invented by Zhang Heng. 地震仪是由张衡发明的。
- How can I make my own seismometer? 问:我怎样才能做一个我自己的测震仪?
- Minisized coil winding and inductance components. 微型磁环线圈和电感器件。
- Induct To admit as a member; receive. 吸收为会员吸收为成员;接纳。
- Induct and train users on system applications. 为新用户进行培训。
- A similar development in the USA is termed triaxial seismometer. 美国研制的与此相似的地震计称为三位地震计。
- Induct, utilize and manage various resources. 合理引入、利用和管理各种资源。
- To induct into office by a formal ceremony. 就职通过正式的就职典礼而就任职位
- Inductance is measured in henries/ henrys. 电感是用亨利作单位来度量的。
- How is the movement of the seismometer converted into a seismogram? 问:测震仪的运动是怎么转换成震动图的?
- At last, the curve of seismometer frequency response is given. 最后给出了检波器频率响应曲线。
- What is a seismometer? What are seismographs? How do they work? 问:地震检波器是什么?地震记录仪又是什么?它们是怎么工作的?
- Resonance of mutual inductance circuits is a complex problem. 摘要互感电路的谐振是一个比较复杂的问题。
- A unit of inductance equal to one thousandth(10-3) of a henry. 毫亨电感单位,等于千分之一(10-3)亨利
- A seismometer is a seismograph whose physical constants are so well known. 地震计是一种地震仪器,其物理常数是已知的。
- Earthquakes are recorded with a seismometer, also known as a seismograph. 地震检波器,也被称为测振仪,可记录地震。
- They are suitable for resistance load and induct once load. 适用于阻性、感性负载。
- Inductance type displacement sensor is installed under car bottom. 电感位移传感器安装于轿箱轿底的安装方式。