- Mouse apoptosis inducing factor,AIF Elisa Kit;... 小鼠凋亡诱导因子(AIF)试剂盒;
- Postoperative half year is high incidence stage of incision hernia and all inducing factors should be avoided. 术后半年内是腹壁切口疝发生的高峰期,应特别注意保护,尽量避免一切诱发因素。
- Objective: To investigate inducing factors of patients with congestive heart failure(CHF). 目的:回顾性探讨充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者发病诱发因素。
- CNV and eye anterior segment inflammatory reaction are two inducing factors of immunological rejection. 而新生血管和眼前段炎症反应是角膜植片发生免疫排斥反应的2个主要诱发因素。
- Objective: To study the inducing factors of recurrence of pointed condyloma (CA) to prevent and cure effectively recurrent and refractory CA. 目的:探讨尖锐湿疣(CA)反复发作的诱因,以便更有效地防治复发性、难治性CA。
- In this paper we review the inducing factors of NSCs differentiation in vitro and the relativep roteinsr esearch ind ifferentiatedp rogress. 本文对神经干细胞体外的诱导分化因素及分化过程中的相关蛋白质组的研究做一综述。
- It is posed that the population boom is a disaster, which is closely related to the all natural disasters and human disaster and is an inducing factor. 本文从灾害学的角度提出了人口过多或增长过快也是一种灾害,这种灾害与所有的自然灾害和人文灾害密切相关,是许多灾害的诱发因素。
- Apoptosis inducing factor(AIF), whose gene lies in X chromosome, is likely an apoptogenic effector protein to mediates nuclear apoptosis directly. 凋亡诱导因子 (apoptosis inducingfactor ;AIF)基因定位于X染色体上 ;其编码产物是一种可直接介导细胞核凋亡的效应分子 .
- In order to abate and reduce the smoking behavior, different prevention and interference measures should be employed to target different characteristics and inducing factors. 为了延缓或减少青少年的吸烟行为,应该针对吸烟行为的不同特点和不同影响因素,采取不同的预防和干预措施。
- The results showed that in-lake conduit pollutions were main exogenous pollutions of Xuanwu Lake and were the inducing factors that aggravated endogenous pollutions of lake. 结果表明,入湖沟渠污染是玄武湖的主要外源污染,也是加重湖泊内源污染的诱发因素。
- The main inducing factors of urgent pulmonary edema after caesarean birth operation are pregnancy high blood pressure,pregnancy combination heart disease and spirit hypertension. 认为妊娠高血压病,妊娠合并心脏病,及精神过度紧张,输液速度过快是剖宫产术后急性肺水肿的主要诱因。
- The main inducing factors included senility, physical weakness, mental tension, fasting of long time before intervention and less fluid infusion after int... 年老体弱、精神紧张、术前禁食时间长、术后补液量少为其主要诱发因素。
- By multiple factor analysis,abnormal posture,emotional tension,moisture and fatigue were the main inducing factors of incidence of cervical spondylopathy. 经多因素分析:体位姿势不正确、情绪紧张、潮湿、疲劳是发病的主要诱因。
- The results showed that in-lake conduit pollutions were main exogenous pollutions of Xuanwu Lake and were the inducing factors that aggravated endogenous pollutions of take. 结果表明,入湖沟渠污染是玄武湖的主要外源污染,也是加重胡泊内源污染的诱发因素。
- METHODS analysing the position, the nature,the degree,the inducing factor and the accompanying symptoms of acute bellyache. 方法对急性腹痛的部位、性质、程度、诱发因素及伴随症状进行分析。
- The primary factor of soil erosion is the erosion of Yanshan Period granite, the secondary factor is heavy rainfall, and the inducing factor is human activity. 水土流失产生的主导因素是燕山期花岗岩分布的丘陵区岩体结构遭到破坏;从属因素是持续强烈的降雨,从而加剧了水土流失;激发因素是人类工程活动对地质环境的破坏。
- The origin of honest deficiency is not the network but the fraudulence in interpersonal communication, and the particularity of network circumstance as an inducing factor. 诚信缺失的根源不在网络,而在于人际交往已有的欺骗性,网络环境的特殊性只是其诱因。
- Objective To study the inducing factors of urinary tract fungal infection in patients with catheterization in the Department of Urology,and the means to reduce the incidence rate of fungus infection. 目的探讨引起泌尿外科留置尿管患者尿路真菌感染的因素,以预防或减少尿路真菌感染的发生。
- Comprehensive nursing care,mainly cons isting of psychiatric-behavioral correction,is proposed to obviate the inducing factors and rectify emotional disorders to promote recovery from anorexia. 有针对性地从去除诱因、纠正情绪障碍入手,实施以心理-行为干预为主的综合护理,可望改善或治愈情绪障碍性厌食症。
- HEK293 cell was chose to study the kidney damage of cadmium and to explore the significance of caspase 3,Bcl-2 and AIF(apoptosis inducing factor)in the apoptosis of cells in- duced by cadmium. 本课题研究了氯化镉(CdCl_2)诱导HEK293细胞(人胚胎肾细胞系)的凋亡,初步探讨了凋亡过程中Caspase-3、Bcl-2的变化和凋亡诱导因子(AIF)的转移以及它们的意义。