- Hess has an unusual philosophy of life. 海丝有不寻常的人生观。
- What is your philosophy of life? 您的人生哲学是什么?
- The author molded a new philosophy of life. 作者重新塑造了一种生活方式。
- Sally is always spouting his philosophy of life. 萨利先生总是滔滔不绝地大谈他的人生哲学。
- She had made it her philosophy of life to consider the lilies. At any rate, she toiled not, neither did she spin. 她已经把得过且过作为她生活的宗旨。无论如何,她都不会人一已百,四处奔波。
- If only he had lived up to his philosophy of life, they would not have minded his talking over their heads. 要是他真的实践了他的人生哲学,他们是不会计较他的高谈阔论的。
- Mr. Sally is always spouting his philosophy of life. 萨利先生总是滔滔不绝地大谈他的人生哲学。
- Puzzledgod A wonderful article to tell us the philosophy of life! 一篇很有哲理的文章!
- individual philosophy of life 个体人生观
- A man without a philosophy of life will be a failure. 没有哲学观,人生会失败的。
- Every individual should be encouraged to develop a personal philosophy of life. 每个人都应该被鼓励发展个人的人生哲学。
- The idea of death is organic to a philosophy of life. 死亡的观念是人生哲学的根本。
- The new BMW 7 Series. It represents a new philosophy of life. 全新bmw 7系列轿车,生活艺术,唯您独尊。
- Lifelong learning is a philosophy of life, fired by curiosity and passion. 终生学习是一种由好奇心和热情激发的生活哲学。
- It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish wen faced boldly. 如果勇敢地正视困难,困难就会消失,这一直是我的生活哲学。
- Lifelong learning is a philosophy of life,fired by curiosity and passion. 终生学习是一种由好奇心和热情激发的生活哲学。
- Her philosophy of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself. 她的处世态度是,不放过任何呈现眼前的机会。
- Many Chinese people believe in happy medium as a philosophy of life. 许多中国人相信中庸之道,以此为人生哲学。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- Developing a meaningful philosophy of life is less important than ever. 培养意义深远的人生哲学比过去任何时候都更微不足道。