- As a profession, we are busy, averse to conflict, and oriented toward individual autonomy more than toward organizational effectiveness. 作为一种职业,我们工作很忙,反对与病人发生冲突,并且与组织效能相比,更看重个人的自主权。
- market economy and individual autonomy 市场经济和个人自主权
- The primary values to be protected and preserved by the mediators are the notions of the individuals' autonomy, independence in the decision-making process, and the right to informed consent. 调解人首先要维护的价值观是:个人应当自主,应当独立作出抉择,并有权了解情况之后才作出承诺。
- Stephen Ellmann, Client-Centeredness Multiplied: Individual Autonomy and Collective Mobilization in Public Interest Lawyers' Representation of Groups, 78 Va. L. Rev. 1103 (1992 2005年5月12日访问。该文以环保公益组织为例说明了其目标的片面性:在环保组织的眼中只有环境利益,而不会考虑到起诉可能会导致人们失业、穷困潦倒甚或死亡。
- Branch managers have full autonomy in their own areas. 分支机构的经理在其管辖范围内有充分的自主权。
- She has her own individual way of walking. 她有自己独特的走路姿势。
- If we decentralize, the provinces will have more autonomy. 我们把权力下放,各省就有更多的自主权。
- The separatist is demanding full autonomy for their state. 分裂主义者在要求他们的州完全自治。
- The model has an individual way of dressing. 这个模特儿有著独特的穿衣方式。
- School rules allow the individual little latitude. 校规不容许个人恣意任行。
- Runners in an athletics stadium run in individual lanes. 在田径运动场上赛跑的人有各自的跑道。
- Each individual boy in the class has his own personalities. 这个班上的每一个男孩都有自己的个性。
- An individual of unusually small size. 矮人不寻常地矮小的个体
- The Bill of Rights safeguards our individual liberties. 权力法案保护我们的个人自由。
- County boroughs lose their autonomy. 自治郡失去了它们的自治权。
- They demanded regional autonomy. 他们要求区域自治。
- The third and least common response is autonomy. 第三种最不普遍的反应是自切。
- A style or individual sample of writing. 笔迹个人的书法笔迹或风格
- They offer little challenge or autonomy. 它们没有什么战斗性或主动权。
- Individual endowment or ability; talent. 才华个人的天资或才能; 天才