- indirect light adaptation 间接光适应
- The changes of the cytosolic calcium concentration decides the degree of the light adaptation of the photoreceptors. 实验结果说明,光刺激使得钙离子从存储器中释放出来,造成细胞内钙离子浓度上升,决定了感光器的光适应程度。
- In the last two parts we leanred there are skylight from openings, Sunlight and indirect light. 在前两部分中我们学习了从窗口进入的天光,阳光以及直射光。
- Abstract In light adaptation, zinc was preponderantly present in the outer plexiform layer (OPL). 摘要 明适应条件下,鲫鱼视网膜外网层、部分光感受器、双极细胞、无长突细胞以及神经节细胞胞体锌离子着色明显。
- The cytoplasm extended to proximal region.During light adaptation the arrangement of microvillus in the rhabdom was in disorde... 另外,色素颗粒、溶酶体、板膜体等细胞器的数量和分布也受到光适应的影响。
- Sunlight: Light reaching the observer directly from the sun. To be distinguished from daylight and skylight, which include indirect light from clouds and refract the atmosphere. 阳光:直接从太阳达到观察者的光,和日光,天光有所区别:日光和天光还包括云层和大气层漫反射产生的间接光。
- There is no significant difference between dark and light adaptation in the zinc distribution in bipolar, amacrine and ganglion cells. 外核层胞体锌离子染色阴性,少数散在分布的视锥细胞呈锌离子阳性。
- After the tranistion from dark to light adaptation, the colour light that causes the highest phototactic ratio moves towards yellow and green colour light.2. 由暗适应向明适应过渡后,引起趋光率最高的颜色光移向黄、绿色光。
- Two daughters Fang Yi plans with concise gimmick, of indirect lighting apply, add a space trifling change gout. 两间女儿房亦以简洁的手法规划,间接照明的运用,增添空间些许变化趣味。
- Newer GPUs can reprocess the scene multiple times to approximate indirect lighting. 较新的GPU可重复处理场景,以求逼近间接光源的效果。
- The three approaches, which are indirect lighting, direct lighting, and atmospheric perspective are distinct but generally used in various degrees together. 这三种方法,这是间接照明,直接照明和大气的角度不同,但一般都在不同程度一起使用。
- Injection of 1 2 mmol/L EGTA into the dark adapted photoreceptors which were soaked by physiological saline almost abolished the effect of the light adaptation Thus, we conclude that the illumination releases calcium from the organelles. 把1?2mmol/LEGTA注入到浸浴在生理盐水中的感光器后,2?5s前光闪造成的光适应现象消失。
- Advocate bedchamber Jian Yali is sent, without the burden that compose acts the role of, clear now relaxed the dormancy style of happy person; Two daughters Fang Yi plans with concise gimmick, of indirect lighting apply, add a space trifling change gout. 主卧房简雅丽致,没有缀饰的负担,彰现清爽怡人的休眠风格;两间女儿房亦以简洁的手法规划,间接照明的运用,增添空间些许变化趣味。
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- The ESR spectrum of a light adapted and a dark adapted suspension of pH12.0 is very much alike, and the other ESR spectra (pH2.5 and pH7.0) are dark adapted > light adapted. pH12.;0的暗适应和光适应悬液的ESR波谱十分相似;其它的ESR波谱均为暗适应>光适应
- Keywords light adaptation;ERG;frequency;intensity;rats; 明适应;视网膜电图;频率;光强;大鼠;
- His indirect way of telling me to leave annoyed me. 他那种不直截了当地让我离开的方式激怒了我。
- The portrait shows fine effects of light and shade. 这幅肖像画的浓淡色调表现得很好。
- We took an indirect route to the town. 我们循一条迂回曲折的通路去镇上。
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。