- Methods The research is based on distance transform. 方法采用基于距离变换的方法进行路径抽取。
- index based on distance 基于距离的索引
- Adding a fourth index based on acquisition date, for example, would be prohibitively difficult for the library. 在过去,如果要加上第4个“基于收录日期”的索引,那么对于图书馆来说将极其困难。
- Use this page to exclude or include items for this content index based on file type. 使用本页面可排除或包含基于文件类型的内容索引项目。
- To dispose the noises of repeat record sets, an algorithm of INA based on distance was put forward. 对重复记录集中的噪音处理,提出一种基于距离的噪音识别算法INA;
- In this paper, the traditional computational method of ionospheric S4 index based on GPS signal is analyzed. 本文分析了GPS信号研究电离层闪烁的基本原理,讨论了电离层闪烁监测中S4指数的计算方法及其修正方法。
- We predict further development index basing on experimental formula. 根据经验公式对其开发指标进行预测。
- Charge of rate: 100RMB is the underline for one time. (A bit changing based on distance) excluding other expense. 收费标准:单次上门服务费100元起(根据实际路程略有浮动),其他产生费用另行结算。
- Automatically determines the column order in recommended indexes based on query execution cost. 基于查询执行开销,按照建议的索引自动确定列的顺序。
- Fires a wide spray of buckshot capable of great damage at close range with decreasing effectiveness based on distance from target. 发射散布宽广的霰弹,在近距离能产成巨大杀伤力,杀伤效果随着与目标的距离而递减。"
- As new messages arrive, Exchange Search updates the index based on notifications from the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service. 收到新邮件时,Exchange搜索根据来自Microsoft Exchange信息存储服务的通知更新索引。
- Then an adaptive, efficient unbiased estimator of Hurst index based on multiresolution wavelet analysis and weighted regression is presented. 针对基于小波的Hurst指数估计方法的自适应问题;结合方差分析给出了一种有效的解决方法;从而提出了自适应的参数估计方法;并且该方法在一般意义上是无偏的.
- In this study, the phylogenetic trees of chemokines and chemokine receptors are produced, based on distance parsimonious method, using avaliable amino acid sequences from GenBank. 摘要 通过分析现有的趋化因子和趋化因子受体的氨基酸序列,用距离法和最简约法构建了聚类图,探讨了趋化因子和趋化因子受体基因家族的系统演化特征。
- A estimating method of relative impact potentials (RIP),an assessment index based on the ecological toxicological model,was introduced. 以相对影响潜值作为基于生态毒理学模型的性能评估指标,并估算相对影响潜值;
- Index based on coal properties shows that coal properties principally affect the forming of big FA and the average volume size of FA, and less to small FA. 飞灰粒度特性综合指数表明,煤质主要影响到粗粒度飞灰的形成及飞灰的体积平均粒度,而对细粒度飞灰的形成影响很小。
- We Heng Bo seamless materials experts concluded that: open a new path BHP Billiton, has been promoting the use of the index based on market pricing system. 我们恒博物资的无缝管专家最后指出:必和必拓另辟蹊径,一直在推动采用基于市场的指数定价体系。
- This paper investigated the evaluation on seed stability index based on the experimental observation,and provided a useful result for reselection of the clone. 本文以安徽省西田林场杉木种子园6年分系固定样株为观测材料,探讨杉木无性系稳定性指标的评价方法,为无性系再选择提供了有益的参考。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- This article expounds Gini coefficient and Theil index, and makes the factors comparison of the two indexes based on the same data. 本文阐述了这两种指标对不平等性的刻画,并对它们的分解作了进一步的分析,最后结合同一组数据进行了实证比较分析。
- The story is based on historical facts. 这个故事是以历史事实为根据的。