- How to Give Full Play to the Independent Trustee System 如何充分发挥独立董事制度的功能
- On the Independent Trustee Status System of Stock Company 股份公司独立董事资格制度论
- He also said 'Daily &Knudson have never performed any legal services for Mr.Pang or PEMGroup' and 'acted at all times as independent trustees. 他还说,公司从来没有为彭日成或保盛丰提供过任何法律服务,一直都是独立托管公司。
- On the Independent Trustee System for the Company Coming into Stock Market 论我国上市公司独立董事制度
- Questions and Policy Suggestions in Implementing Independent Trustee System 实施独立董事制度面临的问题及政策建议
- The parties heretofore acting as trustee. 在此以前作为受托人的当事人。
- A Brief Analysis on the Difference between the Independent Trustee and the Board of Supervisors Function and Its Consummation 刍议独立董事与监事会监督职能的区别与完善
- You should learn to be independent of your parents. 你应该学习不要依赖父母。
- They are a proud and independent people. 他们是独立自主的民族。
- She's very independent and lives all alone. 她自食其力,独自生活。
- An independent man, Peter never goes with the tide. 彼得是个有主见的人,从不随大流。
- A bare trustee is a mere passive depositary. 被动受托人只不过是消极受托人。
- independent trustee 独立董事
- In the possession or care of a trustee. 被托管被爱托人拥有或照管
- She is so independent that she refused all pecuniary aid. 她很独立,所以拒绝一切金钱上的资助。
- The position or function of a trustee. 受托管理授托人的职责或作用
- The former colonial possessions are now independent states. 以前的许多殖民地现已成为独立的国家。
- Ultimately, all the colonies will become independent. 所有的殖民地最终均将独立。
- I hope you aren't the trustee who sat on the toad. 但愿你不是坐在癞蛤蟆上的那位理事。
- Music with two or more independent melodic parts sounded together. 复调音乐具有同时发声的两个或多个独立旋律部分的音乐。