- And independent auditor audit our books every year. 每年我们的帐目都得经过独立审计员的审核。
- The Company's Independent Auditor shall be appointed by the Board. 合营公司的独立审计师由董事会聘请。
- The annual financial statements shall be certified by the Independent Auditor. 年度财务报表应经独立审计师认证。
- Consider, with management, the rationale for employing audit firms other than the principal independent auditors. 考虑聘请审计公司而不是主要审计师的标准,???
- In the annual audit of a company by a CPA firm, the independent auditors will verify receivables by communicating directly with the people who owe the money. 在注册会计师事务所的年度审计中,独立审计师将直接与欠款人联系以确定应收账款的真实性。
- "Independent Auditor" means the internationally recognized independent and competent accountant registered in China. “独立审计师”指在中国注册并由董事会指派为合营公司独立审计师的国际知名的独立的且能胜任的会计师。
- The contribution of the independent auditor is to provide credibility to information. 独立审计师的作用在于增强信息的可信性。
- Membership in the AICPA is restricted to CPAs and currently exceeds 330,000, but not all members are practicing as independent auditors. 加入美国注册会计师协会是注册会计师限制,目前超过33.;0万,但并非所有成员都实行独立的审计。
- The whole row could easily be solved,Compliance,he says,if Saudi Arabia would only allow independent auditors to assess its reserves. 他表示如果沙特阿拉伯允许独立审计员对其储量进行评估,那么整个争辩将会随之解决。
- Independent Auditor An external auditor with a certified public accounting designation that qualifies him or her to provide an auditor's report. 独立审计师具备注册公开会计师资格的外部审计师,可为企业编制审计师报告。
- The Owners at an owners' meeting shall have power to require the annual accounts to be audited by an independent auditor of their choice. 业主在业主会议上有权要求由其选择的独立核数师审计年度帐目。
- Reasonable access to such records shall be given to such internal or independent auditor and such auditor shall keep confidential all documents under his auditing. 合营公司应为上述内部或独立审计人员获得有关记录提供合理的方便,并且审计人员须对所审计的文件保密。
- The JV Company shall engage an independent auditor registered in PRC (the “Independent Auditor”), to audit the financial statements of the JV Company. 合营公司应聘请一名在中国注册的独立审计师(“独立审计师”)对合营公司的财务报表进行审计。
- A spokeswoman for Charless household, Clarence House, saidthatthe Duchy of Cornwalls accounts were already subject torigorousscrutiny by the Treasury and an independent auditor. 英国下议院公共账目委员会已向英国财政部提交质疑报告,询问兰开斯特公爵领地和康沃尔公爵领地为何不受英国税法的限制。
- Bermuda also puts some of the regulatory onus on independent auditors, who must sign off on insurers' annual filings and confirm that they meet minimum liquidity and profitability standards. 百慕大也将一些法律方面的权责委托给独立的会计师,这些会计师必须完成保险者的年度财务报告并且确认他们达到了最低流动性和收益率的标准。
- An unofficial tally showed6,124 couples kissed simultaneously, organizers said, but the number needs to be verified by an independent auditor and approved by Guinness World Record officials before it becomes a world record. 据活动主办方介绍,据一项非官方的统计显示,共有6124对恋人参加了这一活动,但在这一数字被确定为新的世界纪录之前,还需要经过独立审计员的审核和吉尼斯世界纪录有关官员的批准。
- Audit carry out by an independent auditor 由独立的审记员进行的审计
- institute of independent auditors of brazil [经] 巴西独立审计师(人员)协会
- The auditors approved the company's accounts. 审计员核准了公司的帐目。
- The auditor began the examination of accounts. 稽核员开始审察帐务。