- Are occasions when it is undoubtedly better to incur loss than to make gain. 有些时候蒙受损失无疑胜过取得收益。
- The currency curriculum did the excursionist incur loss of time and cash. 货币课程使短途旅行者招致时间和钱的损失。
- The currency curriculum made the excursionist incur loss of time and money. 货币课程使短途旅游者招致时间和钱的损失。
- The currency curriculum made the excursionist incur loss of timeafter effect 大纲 and money. 货币课程使短途旅游者招致时间和钱的损失。
- Investment brokers who lack self-discipline or would incur losses. 投资人或者经纪人缺乏自律会造成亏损。
- OK still! Inflammation has bit of trouble this, want to be treated early, incur loss through delay the meeting is infecund! ! ! 得了妇科炎症有什么症状,到重庆那家医院去治,重庆,长城,医院好吗?
- You are slaughtered by the family one knife is bagatelle, accentuated psychological burden, incur loss through delay cure is an important matter. 您被人家宰一刀是小事,加重了心理负担,延误了治疗是大事。
- And the in advance symptom that heats up as a result of epidemic haemorrhage and cold are about the same, clinical go up to be caused very easily by accident examine and illness of incur loss through delay, cause serious consequence. 而且由于流行性出血热的先期症状与感冒差不多,临床上很轻易引起误诊而延误病情,造成严重后果。
- A few patients appeared syphilis hard chancre, without painful, without urticant, can natural subsidise, reason often does not grant to treat, incur loss through delay first-rate treats time. 有一些患者出现了梅毒硬下疳,无痛,无痒,又能自然消退,故常常不予治疗,延误了最佳的治疗时间。
- Conversely, the product that does not standardize production does not have whole set sex, versatility and interchangeability, lowered the life of the product again, make consumer incur loss. 反过来,不标准化生产的产品不具备成套性、通用性和互换性,又降低了产品的寿命,使消费者蒙受损失。
- This kind the name is " university 3189 " seed rice, growth period is brief, be blown not easily by strong typhoon, and after reseed of farming season of incur loss through delay still can.. 这种名为“大学3189”稻种,生长期短,不易被强台风刮倒,而且在延误农时补种后仍能...
- to cause or incur loss through delay 延误
- We incur losses ourselves in inflicting casualties on the enemy, but we replenish ourselves by annihilating his units, thereby not only making good our losses but adding to the strength of our army. 因给敌以杀伤而给我以消耗,又因给敌以歼灭而给我以补充,这样就不但抵偿了我军的消耗,而且增加了我军的力量。
- excursionist incur loss of time and money. 货币课程使短途旅游者招致时间和钱的损失。
- His speech is such as to incur enmity. 他的演说会引起别人的敌意。
- We incur losses ourselves in inflicting casualties on the enemy,but we replenish ourselves by annihilating his units,thereby not only making good our losses but adding to the strength of our army. 因给敌以杀伤而给我以消耗,又因给敌以歼灭而给我以补充,这样就不但抵偿了我军的消耗,而且增加了我军的力量。
- I commiserate with you on the loss of your mother. 你母亲逝世,我特向你慰问。
- I will indemnify you for any expenses you may incur on my behalf. 我会偿付你为了我而负担的任何花费。
- Unlike the other three, the ECB has no direct institutional backing from the governments of the euro area should it incur losses as a result of extraordinary policies such as active QE. 然 而,在第二和第三种情况下,除非央行能够断定,失去了量化宽松的支持,经济复苏依然能够持续,否则就无法判断能否进行逆向操作。
- How can we divert her thoughts from her sad loss? 我们怎样才能使他不再想到她可悲的损失?