- incremental step converter 步进式转换器
- "This is a small incremental step but a step in the right direction" said Victor Gao a director of the China National Association of International Studies. 中国国家国际问题联合研究会维克多高说:”这是一个小小的进步,虽然缓慢,但是方向正确。
- One science you get excited by incremental steps, by even small things. And in a sense, this is an incremental step. 在科学研究中一个小小的进步都会让你激动不已。从某种意义上说,这件事情是一个进步。
- By comparison, last year's AE900 was an incremental step beyond the formidable AE700, but this year the AX100U represents a very significant step to a whole new level of performance. 相比之下,去年的AE900是一个渐进的步骤以外的艰巨AE700,但今年的AX100U一个非常重要的一步,以一种全新的高性能水平。
- Pursuing a dream job is less a leap than a series of incremental steps that move you closer to your goal. 追求理想工作与其说是一次跳槽不如说是一系列让你接近”追求目标“的循序渐进的步骤。
- Refactor: Making existing code beautiful, in small incremental steps, without changing the intent. (See Figure 3. 重构:再不改变程序意图的前提下通过增量的步骤使代码更加优雅。(如图3)
- Steven Benner: In science you get excited by incremental steps, by even small things. 在科学研究方面,你会因为又向前迈进一步而兴奋不已,哪怕是在小事情方面的进展。
- But there are a number of incremental steps Iran can take that would rattle those who depend on affordable energy without sinking its own economy. 、但伊朗可以采取许多渐进的步骤,让那些依赖价格可承受能源的国家惶惶不安,而保持自己的经济不至直线下滑。
- By 2005,through a series of incremental steps,reach an overall target of annual expenditures on the epidemic of between $ 7~10 billion in low and middle income countries. 到2005年,通过循序渐进地实施一系列措施,在中低收入国家中实现每年用于艾滋病方面的开支达到70亿美元至100亿美元的总体目标。
- Since the son format is rather rare and the srt/sub format is the textual standard format , this tool with only one step converts textual subtitles to VobSub (sub/idx). ::软件简介:: 一个将文本字幕转换成图形字幕的软件,具体介绍看下文: About : Txt2VobSub is a GUI for Son2VobSub.
- circular increment step load and unload 分级加卸载
- Piano lessons teach students how to adjust their expectations if they can't initially master a tough song or skills, and to tackle these big goals by taking small incremental steps. 钢琴课教导学生如何调整他们的期望,如果他们不能掌握初步强硬歌曲或技能而处理这些大目标,采取小递增。
- By taking such small, incremental steps, you can keep an application available for use almost without interruption, and eliminate the final application switch when the migration is complete. 通过进行这种小型、递增的处理,应用程序可以一直保持可用,几乎没有什么中断,而且消除了完成迁移时的应用程序切换。
- He bounced into the room with a springy step. 他以轻快的跑步跳进房间。
- The increase in Chinese debt sales, which has been a feature of the market for the past few years, partly reflects the incremental steps the government is making to expand the market. 中国债券销售的增长,是过去几年中国市场的一大特征,部分反映出中国政府正在采取的扩大市场规模的渐进措施。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- She runs up the stairs with a light graceful step. 她以轻快优雅的步子奔上楼去。
- I hope you try to get them to step up production. 希望你们尽力使厂家增加生产。
- Step on it or we'll miss the beginning of the show. 赶快,要不然我们会赶不上演出的。
- A finite increment in a variable. 变量增量变量的有限增量