- Population-Based Incremental Leaming (PBIL) 人口增量学习算法
- incremental leaming 增量学习
- A finite increment in a variable. 变量增量变量的有限增量
- A decrease, especially a small or incremental one. 减少尤指小规模或逐步增加者的减少
- Supervise BA &BAS for leaming course. 监控美容顾问及主管的学习进程。
- English is easy to leam, I think. 我认为英语容易学。
- Why don't you leam something else? 你干嘛不学点别的?
- Support more network increment service in future. 支持将来更多网络增值业务的接入。
- Leam from the mistakes of others. 从别人那儿吸取失误的教训吧,
- Where did you leam to speak English? 你从哪里学会说英语的?
- Son: Dad ,is French diffieult to leam? (儿子:爸爸,法语难学吗?)
- Incremental backup of database to %1. 数据库的增量备份到%251。
- Boys and girls leam better in single sex schools. 男、女生在单性别的学校里学习更好些。
- By default, the linker runs in incremental mode. 默认情况下,链接器以增量模式运行。
- Leam from yesterday, live for tomorrow. 学习昨天;活在今天;希翼明天.
- A school is a place where people leam new things. 学校是学习新知识的地方。
- She receives a salary increment each year. 她每年得到加薪。
- Incremental Shu-ping from ore mining and Kaiyuan. 增量来自于平舒矿和开元矿。
- The second form is a postfix increment operation. 第二种形式是后缀增量操作。
- The first form is a prefix increment operation. 第一种形式是前缀增量操作。