- The slowdown in domestic demand was offset by an increase in exports. 国内需求放缓和出口增长互相抵消了。
- The increase in export orders should soon translate into higher export sales. 出口订单的增加很快会反应到更大的出口销售额上。
- The increase in exports reflects that our nation's economy is becoming stronger, and more self-reliant. 出口额的增长反映了我国经济的自主能力在不断地增强。
- The UNDP report says China's economic growth accelerated in the 1990s because of a sustainable increase in exports. 联合国发展部报道指出在上世纪90年代中国经济飞速增长是由于出口持续不断的增加。
- Recommended reason: the size of the company is a carbamate pesticide production enterprises, to benefit from the increase in export tax rebates, industry and other cards. 推荐理由:公司是国内规模氨基甲酸酯农药生产龙头企业,受益于出口退税上调、行业洗牌等。
- Bank of Japan upgraded its economic assessment for the fourth consecutive month during the last six months and noted that Japan's economy will start to recover as a result of the increase in exports and acceleration in production. 日银六月中连续第四个月提升其经济评估,该行表示,由于出口增加,生产加速,日本经济将开始复苏。
- The increases in export order have created hundreds of job opportunity. 出口订单的增加提供了数以百计的就业机会。
- We get an automatic increase in pay every year. 我们的薪金每年会自动增长。
- There were also significant increases in exports of natural products such as fish and cashew nuts. 报告称,此期间的电力出口增长80%25出口电力来自卡布拉?巴萨水电站。
- There was a steady increase in population. 人口在不断增长中。
- At present medium-sized compensation trade, especially those aiming at ensuring quick increase in export earnings for financing the importation of equipment will be given priority. 目前,我们对中型补偿贸易,尤其是能保证很快增加出口收入藉以偿付进口设备的项目,将给予优先考虑。
- Prostitution is on the increase in the city. 城里卖淫活动越来越多。
- The miners are asking for another increase in pay. 煤矿工人正在要求再次加薪。
- There was a rapid increase in internal trade. 国内贸易迅速增长。
- There has been a boom in exports this year. 今年的出口额激增。
- She get a salary increase in June. 她六月份获得了加薪。
- The increase in travel cost swallow up our pay increase. 旅行费用的增加耗尽了我们的工资增长。
- There's been a boom in exports this year. 今年的出口激增。
- Decline in exports and growth in imports. 外贸出口下降、进口增长。
- Does most of your business deal in exports? 你们大部分的生意是经营出口吗?