- They sat around in easy attitude. 他们以舒适的姿势围坐在一起。
- If I get that contract I'll be on easy street for months. 我如果得到这项承包合同,就可以舒舒服服地过它好几个月了。
- He seems to be in easy circumstances since he had his pay increase. 自从他提薪后,他的日子似乎好过些了。
- You can tell that that guy lives on easy street. 看得出那个男孩生活富裕。
- The steps of the palace rise in easy flights. 宫殿台阶上升的坡度不大。
- He could walk up and down easy street. 他可以生活的很自如。
- You can tell by their car that they live on easy street. 看他们的车你就能知道他们生活富裕。
- He seems to be in easy circumstance since he was promoted. 他自从被提升后,手头宽裕了。
- Jim's novel was a success and put him on easy street. 吉姆的小说很成功,这使他过上充裕舒适的生活。
- Easy street is no place for an active guy like Trent. 优裕的生活不是特伦特这样活跃的人物所向往的。
- In order to live on easy street my father worked hard day and night. 为了过上充裕舒适的生活,我父亲曾昼夜努力工作。
- His parents left him a large legacy and he is now living on easy street. 他的父母留给他一大笔遗產,他现在过着无忧无虑的舒坦日子。
- Since they inherited his aunt's fortune, they've been on easy street. 自从继承了他姑姑的财产后,他们就过上了优裕舒适的日子。
- Joe lives on easy street and can buy all the new things that make life easy. 乔过着逍遥自在的日子,买得起各种东西,生活很舒适。
- They have been living on easy street since his business began to prosper. 自从他的生意兴隆以来, 他们一直过着优裕的生活。
- After years of hard work, the Grants found themselves on easy street. 经过了几年的努力干活,格兰特一家富裕起来。
- in easy street 生活优裕;生活不成问题
- The Health Center will be located just up the street at 129 Main Street, in easy walking distance. 该保健中心将建在梅茵大街129号的街面上,步行去很近。
- The children walk down the street hand in hand. 孩子们手拉手地在街上散步。
- Now that we've inherited my father's money we can live in easy circumstances. 由于我们已继承了父亲的财产,我们可以过优裕的生活了。