- When there is pyrite-bearing strata in tunnel construction, oxidization of pyrite will result in formation of acidic environment and bring adverse effect on durability of concrete lining. 当隧道工程施工遇到含黄铁矿的地层时,黄铁矿氧化形成的酸性环境以及其引发的一系列化学反应会对隧道混凝土衬砌的耐久性带来不利的影响。
- In tunnel construction of rich water karst area,the key technology to guarantee the tunnel construction security is to detect and forecast the geological situation in front of the tunnel face. 岩溶富水隧道施工中对隧道掌子面前方一定范围内的地质情况进行超前探测和预测预报是保证隧道施工安全的关键技术。
- On the basis of discussing geological character in the region of water gush and inflow, the paper detailedly introduces the technology of water gush and inflow in tunnel construction. 摘要在论述隧道涌(突)水的地质特征的基础上,详细阐述了长大隧道工程防突水技术措施及治水技术。
- Put forward the tunnel construction geological disaster counterplan system, It may effectively prevent geological disaster to happen in tunnel and ensure tunnel construction safety. 针对岩溶的复杂性,结合隧道超前地质预报资料提出了岩溶隧道施工地质灾害预案机制,进一步保证隧道施工安全。
- injection method in tunnel construction 注射法隧道施工
- The Application of Laser Pointer in Tunnel Construction 激光指向仪在隧道施工中的应用
- Smooth Blasting in Tunnel Construction in Yindongwan 银洞湾隧道的光面爆破技术
- The application of lead pipe-shed support in tunnel construction 超前管棚支护在隧道施工中的应用技术
- Extrusion concrete lining method used in tunnel construction 隧道施工中的挤压混凝土衬砌法
- Application of new Austria tunhelling method in Tunnel Construction 新奥法原理在隧道施工中的应用
- Moorstone quarrying in tunnel is a first case carried out in China. 隧道内开采花岗岩料石在国内尚属首例。
- Application of combined concrete mixing plant in tunnel construction 混凝土组合搅拌站在隧道施工中的应用
- Application of horizontal whisking pile technology in tunnel construction 水平搅拌桩施工技术在隧道施工中的应用
- Application of polypropylene tiny fiber shotcrete in tunnel construction 聚丙稀微纤维喷混凝土在隧道施工中的应用
- Application of steel fiber wet-shot concrete technique in tunnel construction 钢纤维湿喷混凝土技术在隧道工程中的应用
- Land asdic method applied to advance forecast of geology in tunnel construction 陆地声纳法在隧道施工超前地质预报中的应用
- Important Points in the Operation of Side-dump Loaders in Tunnel Construction 侧卸装载机在隧洞施工中的使用要点
- The application of wet spraying concrete technology in tunnel construction 湿喷混凝土技术在隧道施工中的应用
- Model YFRQ9 Operating Bridge for Overhead Arch in Tunnel Construction 9型隧道仰拱作业桥
- Industrialisation in tunnel construction, tunnel upgrading and widening 隧道建设工业化,隧道的改善和加宽.