- While meditating on the inner light, I saw the Earth - a beautiful globe, in white and blue, very similar to the pictures taken by astronauts from outer space. 印心观光时,有看到地球,很漂亮的一个蓝白相间的球体,就像太空人从外太空拍下的照片一样。
- Green is the new red, white and blue. 绿色是新的红色,白色和蓝色。
- Has Aaron Carter turned red, white and blue? 亚伦卡特哪根筋不对劲了吗?
- The U.S. flag is red, white and blue. 美国国旗是红白蓝三色.
- They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. 其上坐著二十四位长老,身穿白衣,头上戴著金冠冕。
- The buildings were drapped with red, white and blue bunting. 那些大楼上悬挂着红、白绿色旗子。
- The buildings were drapped with red,white and blue bunting. 那些大楼上悬挂着红、白绿色旗子。
- My niece likes wearing clothes with white and blue stripes. 我侄女喜欢穿带有白色和蓝色条纹的衣服。
- The buildings were draped with red, white and blue bunting. 大楼挂满了红、白、蓝色的帘子。
- Red,white and blue should be worn in honor of our fellow Americans that died. 为了我们死去的美国同胞,我们应该穿上红白蓝三种颜色的服装。
- The flag of the U.S. Has stars and stripes.It's red, white and blue. 美国的国旗有星星和条带。它是红色、白色和蓝色。
- "Red, white and blue should be worn in honor of our fellow Americans that died. 邮件中说"为了我们死去的美国同胞,我们应该穿上红白蓝三种颜色的服装。
- in white and blue (瓷器名) 唐太宗青花瓶
- Through calcinations,quicklime is higher in whiteness and better in activity. 经煅烧后的生石灰白度高、活性好。
- They were mainly blue and blue and white in color. 以青色和青白色为主。
- One lighthouse in white and black colors standing in the island, coupling with blue sky and green grass, forms a striking contrast. 素以水路凶险紧邻黑水沟著称,故岛上建有黑白相间灯塔一座,耸立于蓝天白云下与四周之绿草相映成趣。
- There was a large, low-ceiled room, with clacking, rattling machines at which men in white shirt sleeves and blue gingham aprons were working. 那是个天棚很低的大房间,里面排列着发出隆隆声响的机器。机器旁,穿着白衬衫蓝围腰的工人正在工作。
- A girl in white and a boy in grey were launching a handsome two-foot yacht. 穿白衣的女孩子和穿灰色衣的男孩子,捧起一条约有两尺长,很体面的帆船,放在池子里;
- He stared fixedly at the woman in white. 他一直凝视著那穿白衣裳的女人。
- He fell down the stairs and was all black and blue. 他从楼梯跌下而青一块紫一块了。