- Water squirted out of a hole in the pipe. 水从水管的一个洞里喷射出来。
- The steam found a vent through a crack in the pipe. 蒸气从管子的裂缝漏出去。
- The gas escaped from a fracture in the pipe. 煤气从管子裂缝处逸出。
- Clear water was spouting from a hole in the pipe. 清水正从水管的一个孔里喷射出来。
- A break in the pipe was found out. 管道上有一处裂缝。
- He plugged the hole in the pipe with an old rag. 他用一块旧破布把管子上的那个洞塞住了。
- There' s a blockage in the pipe. 管道堵塞了。
- Water seeped from a crack in the pipe. 水从管道的一个裂缝中渗出。
- Water welled out from a crack in the pipe. 水从水管的裂口喷出来。
- At last the noise was traced to a fault in the pipes. 最终发现嗓音是由管子里的一处缺陷所致。
- The pipe burst in the cold winter. 水管在寒冷的冬天爆裂了。
- Water spouted from the break in the pipe. 水从水管的裂口处喷出。
- Water is spurting from the crack in the pipe. 水管裂缝了,直往外滋水。
- Check and see if there is any leak in the pipe. 检查一下管道有没有漏洞。
- The pipes froze in the basement. 地下室里的水管因结冰而不通
- Water was squirting out from a hole in the pipe. 水从管子的破口喷出来。
- Open the taps to drain water in the pipes. 打开水龙头,把水排入水管道。
- I do not want to be in the boss line of fire today. 今天我不想遭到老板的非难。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。