- I stumbled across this book in the drawer. 我在抽屉里碰巧找到这本书。
- My wife happened on this old photograph in the back of the drawer. 我太太在抽屉靠里的一面偶然发现了这张过去的照片。
- I dropped across this old photo in the back of the drawer. 我是偶然在抽屉里发现这张旧照片的。
- The folder was sandwiched in between the two bulging files in the drawer. 这硬纸卡被挤在抽屉里的两个鼓鼓的档案夹里了。
- She rummaged about in the drawer for a pencil. 她在抽屉里翻来翻去找铅笔。
- He found an untidy jumble of things in the drawer. 他发现抽屉里面在一大堆乱七八糟的东西。
- Cardboard holder for document, which can fit in the drawer of a filing cabinet. 存文件用的硬纸夹。这些文件夹可恰好放在券宗柜的抽屉内。
- Pair the socks and put them in the drawer . 把袜子配成双,然后放到抽屉里。
- Jody put the letter in the drawer beneath. 裘弟把信放到下层的抽屉里去。
- Are there any chopsticks in the drawer? 抽屉里还有筷子吗?
- The fee table is in the drawer of your table,sir. 先生,费用表在你桌子的抽屉里。
- She burrowed in the drawer for a pair of socks. 她在抽屉里翻找一双袜子。
- Where are the apples? They are in the drawer. 苹果在哪里?它们在抽屉里。
- A: Where's the money I left in the drawer? 我放在抽屉里的钱去哪里了?
- I have never touched the pen in the drawer. 我从未碰过抽屉里的钢笔.
- He's slipping his arm in the drawer and out comes. 把他的右手伸到抽屉里,将饼干盒偷了出来,解除警报。
- Apart from the money in the drawer,I am penniless. 除去抽屉里的钱我是身无分文。
- The stationery is in the drawer. (文具放在抽屉里。)
- The fee table is in the drawer of your table, sir. 先生,费用表在你桌子的抽屉里。
- She put her clothes away in the drawer. 她把衣服放回到抽屉里。